The 2015 Paris accord on climate change had raised awareness about the long-term implications of Global warming and associated issues like the rise in sea levels. Greenhouse gases are produced by fossil fuels and contribute to global warming. Tentative plans had been drawn up to reduce such emissions, and targets were set. However, a new research has revealed that in spite of such measures, the Sea Level Rise will continue and threaten millions of people who live in coastal regions.
The Independent UK reveals that adherence to the greenhouse gas emissions targets could still lead to sea level rise of 0.7 and 1.2 meters.
If emissions are not curbed, the result could be disastrous for the coastal population.
The signs are ominous
The research was undertaken by a team of climate scientists associated with international institutions. They have analyzed the available data and concluded that sea level rise will hover around the one-meter mark even if the targets of the Paris accord are met. This rise is due to a combination of global warming coupled with melting of glaciers and ice caps.
That accord of 2015 was signed by nearly 200 countries who accepted the fact that global warming was a threat, and it had to be tackled. The administration of former US President Barack Obama had supported the action, but Donald Trump has his reservations and wants America to withdraw from the process.
According to one of the authors of the study carried out by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), in case action to control global warming is delayed, it would have far-reaching consequences. In the opinion of a biological oceanographer at the University of Tasmania, the effects of past emissions will be there for centuries to come and the elimination of greenhouse gases must be high on everyone’s agenda.
Use of fossil fuels must end
Petrol, diesel, and coal are fossil fuels that create CO2 or greenhouse gases which, in turn, are responsible for global warming. Alternatives to conventional fossil fuels are electricity and solar power. The former can power automobiles while the latter can be the alternative to generate electricity.
Incidentally, automobile manufacturers have realized that the days of fossil fuel cars are numbered and are switching over to electric cars. Simultaneously, efforts are on to promote solar energy that could replace coal and diesel for generating electricity.
Actions of this nature will help to control global warming as envisaged in the Paris accord and ensure that people in coastal regions are safe from the dangers associated with sea level rise.