KFC is a popular fast food in the U.K., but recently they ran into one extra-crispy problem. There are experiencing a chicken shortage and without chicken, the fast food supplier cannot continue as usual. Having had to close branches over their lack of food to sell, KFC decided to make light of the situation, posting an ad Friday, showing Colonel Sanders on an empty chicken bucket, with the letters scrambled to almost form a common Cuss Word.

KFC runs short on chicken

Around two-thirds of KFC’s U.K. branches have been forced to close due to problems with their new chicken supply chain.

While the British people are known for their fondness for fish and chips, they also enjoy a regular dish of fried chicken, with other options including Dixie Chicken and Tennessee Fried Chicken.

The ad that appeared on Friday had the letters of KFC’s name arranged in a different way, and if the missing vowel was included, everyone would clearly see how they’re feeling about the lack of chicken.

Locals called police for lack of KFC chicken

As reported by the Seattle Times, locals, angry over the lack of their culinary craving had even contacted the police, who were forced to explain that chicken shortages are not really a crime.

However, it led to some humor on social media.

When they posted their new ad, they apologized, saying that obviously, a chicken restaurant with no chicken is not ideal and that it had been a hell of a week for KFC.

As noted by the New York Times, KFC said in a later statement that their “tongue-in-cheek” arrangement of their brand name clearly reflects their first thoughts when they realized how the chicken shortage would affect their U.K. customers. Other quips in their public relations approach to the chicken shortage included a play on why the chicken crossed the road, saying that while the chicken did, indeed, cross the road, but it just wasn’t to their restaurants.

Change of delivery service caused a cluck-up

It turns out the root of the problem is that KFC changed over its delivery contract to DHL, which led to a logistical failure in what is the company's fifth-largest market. In their statement, the company said that distributing the fresh chicken to all their restaurants across the U.K. is a "pretty complex task."

However, things are reportedly improving, as by Friday around 800 of the U.K.’s 900 KFC outlets were open Friday. However, some are running with shorter hours and others offer a reduced menu. They are keeping a list of the newly-reopened chicken restaurants on their website, which is updated on a 15-minute basis.