Improving your memory can be tricky and tedious. Many methods are viable but can be difficult, like changing your diet and exercising more. Luckily, research performed by several scientists and universities have provided us with unusual methods for cognitive function, like memory and concentration. Here are five unique Ways to help improve your memory.

1. Chewing gum

This may seem bizarre, but psychologist from the U.K.

conducted a study in which participants chewed gum before and during word recall tests. Those who chewed gum while testing scored twenty-four percent higher on immediate word recall, having quicker and more accurate reaction times than those who didn't. The idea is that chewing gum keeps your mind aroused and active, resulting in more cerebral blood flow and more oxygen entering the brain; however, this theory is still being tested.

2. Stop multitasking

When you multitask, your brain is being used less efficiently and results in errors and sloppy work, according to neuroscientist Dr. Daniel J. Levitin.

While multitasking may seem effective, it actually overstimulates the brain and releases cortisol, the stress hormone, leaving our minds feeling foggy from overactivity. It's better to focus on one task, you will improve cognitive function and improve your memory.

3. Look at pictures of baby animals

Having a hard time paying attention? Studies show that viewing adorable images of baby animals might help with tasks that require careful attention and memory. Hiroshima University in Japan performed two separate studies on college students; the first study had two groups, and both groups played a game similar to "Operation". When both groups finished, they were shown pictures of adult and baby animals, then played the game again.

Those who were shown baby animals improved scores by forty-four percent while the group who saw adult animals barely improved. The second study with new participants had three groups; again they saw photos of baby and adult animals, but the third group was shown delicious foods. The group who saw the baby animals still outperformed the others.

4. Laugh

Research indicates that laughter can improve short-term memory, especially for older age groups. Loma Linda University performed a study that took twenty adults, all over the age of thirty, and had half of them watch a twenty-minute funny video. After finishing the video, both groups took memory recall tests; the group exposed to the video performed substantially better on short-term memory recall tests and had lower cortisol levels.

5. Moving your eyes from side to side

Manchester Metropolitan University found that wiggling your eyes Side To Side for 30 seconds each morning can help improve your memory by ten percent. It seems odd, but when you wiggle your eyes back and forth it improves communication between several regions of the brain and strengthens concentration.