They may look all innocent and adorable, but your pets can sometimes cause some serious trouble. This is especially true these days with the Christmas trees and all the presents around. If you don't believe it, take a look at this list of 30 Dogs And Cats who totally ruined Christmas decorations.

1. Just look at the cutest guilty look on this dog's face

2. This looks like trouble to me, but what do I know?

3. At least this bad boy knows he is guilty

4. When you are stuck at the crime scene, but you don't seem to care all that much because you are enjoying Christmas

5. It seems as though this dog is jealous of the Christmas tree, or he jumped after the cat

6. This is what a cat conspiracy looks like: Something is about to go down (quite literally)

7. Ruining the Christmas tree and pretending like nothing happened

8. Was it delicious?

9. When you seek and you destroy

10. When she knows she is guilty, but doesn't seem to care that much because all she wanted was the star

11. So you are saying these fluffy Santa toys aren't for me?

12. This cat opened all the Christmas presents and she certainly looks like she ate them, too

13. It looks like this happy dog family is enjoying Christmas

14. This cat seems determined to ruin the nativity scene

15. Wherever she goes, she is making a mess, and now it is time for a nap

16. This Christmas tree looks like a perfect opportunity for this cat to sharpen her teeth

17. After knocking off many ornaments, he's still getting air and going for it: You've got to love the effort

18. When two cats join forces, something like this happens

19. It looks like this cutie has just opened the perfect Christmas present

20. Cats and Christmas trees have always been sworn enemies, but here it looks like this cat is helping with Christmas decorations

21. This cat looks like she is about to repair this Christmas tree

22. If you walk away from a crime scene, you better do it with style once the job is done

23. The cat operation of ruining the Christmas tree

24. She looks like she has every right to sit there

25. This good boy is about to cause some serious trouble by peeing under the Christmas tree

26. Someday you are going to regret putting these funny things on me

27. It looks like this cat is here to stay

28. It looks like this cat found a cozy place all to herself

29. This kitten looks like trouble

30. Opening Christmas presents is always a pleasant experience for humans and dogs alike

What do you think of these cats and dogs?