Cannabis smoking in the US has seen a steady rise in the last decade. Even though experts are trying to get to the root of the cause, many in fact believe that it is because of a rise in pro-pot policies. It is a common belief that as policies on Marijuana are getting more and more liberal, they are encouraging people to get hooked on to marijuana.
However, this is not the case. A study, published in the journal Addiction, showed no link between change in Cannabis Policies and increased use of the drug by Americans. The research states that the primary reason for increasing usage of cannabis is because of period effects.
Even models that include indicators of recreational and medical marijuana policies did not find any significant positive impact.
People perceiving marijuana differently
The study conclusively points out that the sharp rise in cannabis use in the US, since the year 2005, was observed throughout the population. The general period effects were not found to be linked to the liberalization of cannabis policies in certain US states. New York Daily News suggests that the findings of the study also point out an interesting trend.
Those who strongly opposed Cannabis Legalization are simply aging out, and the ideology of reefer madness is not only changing but in its throes. Washington D.C. and 29 other states already have recreational or medical marijuana laws in place.
Public Health Institute Alcohol Research Group researchers pitted cannabis use against state law changes after analyzing data from National Alcohol Surveys. They found the increased marijuana use was an impact of societal effects and not changes in policies.
Study adds fuel to cannabis legalization efforts
The findings of the study add fuel to the continued marijuana legalization efforts all across the world.
The legalization wave is in line with the national temperature. Moreover, now researchers have proved that legalization policies are in no way impacting youth or adult usage. Hence, prohibiting the drug may not make sense for many.
Currently, cannabis is a Schedule I drug. It is in the most-restrictive category of the Controlled Substance Act.
Drugs under this classification have a high potential for abuse and no medical benefits. Experts have long challenged the inclusion of cannabis in this category due to the drug's numerous medical benefits, proved via research.
It is time the status is changed. Forbes recently reported that California lawmakers have asked for reclassification of cannabis by calling on the Federal Government. In November 2016, voters stood for a ballot measure to legalize cannabis.