This year's Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its peak Friday and Saturday but will be on its actual peak around 1 pm EDT August 12.
2017 Perseid meteor shower
This year, the Perseid meteor shower will be a little more challenging to see because of the presence of the moon. Unlike the other celestial events, the moon in the upcoming meteor shower will be three-quarters full and will rise around midnight of local time.
Perseid 2017's actual peak will be around one in the afternoon on August 12. However, the night before and after the celestial event will be both have good rates.
According to Bill Cooke, NASA's meteor expert, the meteors will be slightly better to shower in the predawn hours on Saturday but that there'd be a decent show both nights. In fact, he also said that Perseids are the most visible meteor shower compared to other kinds and perhaps the most popular Science thing of the year.
Places to see the celestial event
Are planning to witness Perseid 2017? Northern Hemisphere down to the mid-southern latitudes are the best places to see the most-awaited Scientific event.
All you need to have in order to witness the show is darkness, somewhere comfortable to sit and a bit of patience while waiting for the shower.
However, since it might be a little impossible for you to the Hemisphere, NASA claimed that any dark place will do. You just need to prepare for something comfortable to sit, look above the sky, and you will soon see the tantalizing celestial event. If you are living in a city, especially in most metropolitan areas, here are some of the places you may check.
- New York - Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, Carl Schurz Park in the Upper East Side
- California - Angeles National Forest, Santa Monic Mountains, Topanga State Park
- Illinois - Indiana Dunes State Park, Silver Springs State Park
- Georgia - Northeast Georgia Mountains, Stephen C. Foster State Park
- Florida - Everglades National ParkWashington - Dash Point State Park, Kitsap Peninsula
Your preparation
For you to be able to see the meteor shower, you must be well prepared.
Cooke said that the key to this event is "to take in as much sky as possible." You should be in the suburbs, countryside, or any dark and less crowded place where you can stay while looking at the sky.
Prepare your eyes. Remember that human's eyes take about 30 minutes to adjust to the dark. Meaning, the longer you wait outside or in the dark area, the more meteors you'll see. Also, if your vision is not normal, you should wear your eyeglasses so that you can see clearer.