NASA has claimed that a Total Solar Eclipse would happen on August 21, 2017. Mark your calendar because this will be a Rare Event especially this year.

The prediction coming from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was official and generated using the JPL DE405 solar and lunar ephemerides. Agencies and scientific groups use These tools for celestial navigation and astronomy.

NASA's preparation tips

The much-awaited total solar eclipse is less than a month away from today, and NASA does not want you to go blind once the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth.

Therefore, NASA has released some important tips to preserve everyone's eyesight. People who are planning to view the Total Solar Eclipse should check the security standards from the government organization.

First, don't look directly at the sun if you don't have the proper eyewear. Regular sunglasses are not considered proper eyewear to witness the eclipse, as per NASA.

Second, buy an official eclipse sunglasses. If you really want to see the phenomenon, you need to own the special set of glasses.

The special eclipse glasses

These glasses are the certified solar viewer devices that allow individuals to look directly at the sun, even if it's already partially eclipsed.

The agency said that eclipse glasses are usable if and only if it is less than three years old. Therefore, if you own an eclipse glasses for more than three years, it is not advisable to use to watch the upcoming event.

However, to confirm the quality of the product, important information such as the manufacturer's name and address, should be seen somewhere on the glasses.

Most importantly, it should have ISO 12312-2 certification.

NASA isn't trying to ruin the fun and excitement. In fact, the US government organization wants us to testify this rare event but with extra care for our eyes.

According to Doctor Alex Young, the Associate Director for Heliophysics Science department, we are responsible for taking care of our own body.

NASA's main role is just to inform and warn us about the safe ways to view the eclipse.

August solar eclipse

The upcoming total solar eclipse will occur across 14 states in the US along with an 112 km-wide shadows of the country. This will happen once the Moon completely covers the Sun and darkness will be all over the place.

The upcoming eclipse will have a magnitude of 1.0306 and will be evident from narrow areas from the United States. The eclipse will be first seen at 10:15 am PDT at Oregon's Pacific coast and then will move eastward through other places such as Salem, Lincoln, NE, Kansas City, Nashville, and much more.