Beyonce shared pictures of herself with her Twins over the weekend to celebrate their one month birthday. The images received more than five million 'likes' on Twitter and Instagram within a few hours. The American singer also confirmed her twins were called Rumi and Sir Carter – she and Jay-Z filed a trademark for the names earlier this month. W

hat’s new in the photographs?

The pictures show the twins wrapped in a colorful sheet, while Beyonce wears a blue veil. She wrote, “Rumi and Sir Carter one month today,” with a couple of emojis of prayer hands.

Has she lost some weight?

At a glimpse, we feel that the 36-year-old singer has lost some weight. She looks very glamorous and attractive in the photos, while her twins look adorable. So far, the pictures have garnered more than seven million likes both on Twitter and Instagram. However, Rumi and Sir Carter’s dad, Jay-Z, is not in the photos.

The fans of Beyonce and Jay-Z now want a few family pictures of the Carters to be released.

Comparing her pictures during pregnancy and the latest images posted on social media, it certainly appears that Beyonce has lost some of her pregnancy weight.

Beyoncé shed thirty pounds in a few weeks

Wet Paint reported on July 12 that the “Lemonade” singer went on a strict diet to shed extra pounds. A few days ago, the singer posted a nude photo of herself looking slimmed down and stunning.

A report by Daily Mail revealed that Beyonce was looking better than ever.

The once-named “Hottest Singer in the World” has never been shy when it comes to showing off her curves and flaunting her enviable figure. As Wet Paint reported, she was recently spotted at Beverly Hill’s Pea in the Pod boutique.Beyonce bought a Slimming Belly Bandit.

She also purchased shaping underwear and waist trainers for herself.

The news outlet also claims that the singer liked the Belly Bandit products – she bought some belly wraps, shaping tops, leggings, underwear, and corsets. Is it a secret of her well-toned body? When we approached Beyonce, she refused to comment anything in this regard, but an insider revealed that the mother-of-three had lost thirty pounds in just twenty days.

Beyonce is not the first to use slimming products. Wet Paint reports that Kendall and Kylie Jenner have long been advocates for waist training corsets, with Kourtney Kardashian designing her own wrap after Giving Birth to her three kids.

What do you think about Beyonce's post-childbirth look? She looks great, doesn't she?