Dr. Forbes Ross was the first English doctor to draw attention to the prophylactic and curative properties in molasses. He pointed out that workers on Sugar Cane plantations, who were constantly sucking the crude sugar in sugar cane, seldom if ever were known to suffer from cancer. He attributed this to the large percentage of potassium salts in unrefined sugar cane. His argument is that the cause of cancer was a deficiency of potash in the human cells and blood. Dr. Ross’s numerous cures for cancer, together with the book he wrote on the subject, did not, at the time, receive the recognition they deserved.
However, several eminent physicians of various schools have since come to uphold his views.
Highly rich in iron and calcium
Blackstrap molasses, gram for gram, contains more iron than any other food except for pig’s liver and brewer’s yeast. It contains five times more calcium than milk. It is an abundant source of all the B vitamins and contains relatively large amounts of copper, potassium and phosphorous in addition to a sizeable amount of the trace mineral chromium, which has recently been found to be valuable in maintaining proper blood sugar levels. Ten percent of the total content of Blackstrap molasses are minerals.
A doctor recovers from ulcers
In the case of Ulcers and ulcerations, Mr.
Persson reports that they have been cured by molasses. He cites the case of a certain doctor in New Zealand who was so badly afflicted with ulcers that his own skill proved insufficient to cure them. In fact, the doctor was very ill and would doubtless have remained so had he not heard of the molasses treatment. The result was that after taking molasses for a period of time, all his ulcers vanished and he was restored to excellent health.
According to Cyril Scott, practitioners of the Biochemic System of Medicine concur that ulcers do not develop unless there is a deficiency of certain mineral salts in the blood and tissues. As molasses, if taken over the requisite time, makes good that deficiency, it is not surprising to hear that gastric ulcers have also yielded to the treatment.
A great demand for molasses
Having proved to himself the curative value of molasses, Mr. Persson resolved to supply the molasses to those suffering from various ailments, including growths. When Mr. Persson’s own cure became known, the demand for molasses was such that he was at one time supplying a ton a month.