Yulia Skripal, the daughter of former Russian Spy Sergei Skripal, has issued her first statement since regaining consciousness in a Salisbury hospital. The U.K police issued the statement on her behalf and said: "Her strength is growing daily."

The Russian Embassy

Ms. Skripal is still a Russian citizen but has refused consular assistance from the Russian Embassy even though the Embassy is insisting on its right to see her.

Russian T.V claims that they have aired a recorded conversation with Yulia with her cousin, currently living in Russia, although even the show's presenters couldn't actually authenticate the recording.

Mr. Skripal, 66, still remains in critical condition but doctors say he is stable.

International row

The Salisbury attack has been front page news for a month now and the international community in the West has united in the last two weeks behind the U.K in condemning the Russians for what they believe is their culpability in the attack. The Russians still deny the attack and claim that Britain is trying to drive a wedge between the West and Russia to further a new Cold War.

Doubts about the source of the nerve agent

Yulia's recovery is welcome news in a week when the British position could be interpreted as weaker. According to the BBC, Boris Johnson -- the Foreign Secretary -- was forced to back down from his claim that Porton Down, the military laboratory that first identified the nerve agent, had also identified the source.

Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, claimed that Mr. Johnson had exaggerated the claims and that he had "misled" the nation. The Foreign Secretary called Mr. Corbyn's comments "lamentable."

It hasn't been a good week for the British Government but they and their allies in the West, including America, stand together, and with the latest news that Porton Down was only ever tasked with identifying the nerve agent and not the source, the U.K needs its friends to stand firm.

Diplomats expelled

So far there have been upwards of 150 diplomats expelled on both sides, with no sign that the crisis is weakening. Vladimir Putin, who until now had largely scoffed at the U.K's claims, issued a televised statement on a trip to Turkey, where, according to CBS News, he called for common sense to prevail and for Russian involvement in the investigation. He also said: "The speed at which the anti-Russian campaign has been launched causes bewilderment," indicating that he thinks the whole thing is a conspiracy.

The BBC also claims that this plays well with the Russian people who believe that Russia, not the West, is the world's peacekeeper and that Putin is standing up to the aggressors that call their country to task.

What did she say in the statement?

Ms. Skripal said that she was grateful for the many messages of goodwill she received.

"I woke up over a week ago and now am glad to say my strength is growing daily," the statement said. She went on to say: "I have many people to thank for my recovery and would especially like to mention the people of Salisbury that came to my aid when my father and I were incapacitated."

She also went on to thank the staff at the Salisbury District Hospital for their care and professionalism.

Recorded conversation doubts

Yulia's cousin, Viktoria Skripal said that she hopes to visit Yulia in the U.K but according to the recorded conversation aired on T.V, Yulia expresses doubts that Viktoria will be granted one.

Russian news agency Interfax reported that Yulia claimed that "All was well." This is at odds with other agencies, leading to the belief among many that the recordings are fake.

Russian ambassador makes a statement

According to the BBC, shortly after the recordings were aired the Russian ambassador, Alexander Yakovenko denied the U.K's claims that Russia failed to respond to the poisoning allegations immediately. He read a letter that he claimed Russia had sent denying any involvement and stating that Russia did not have stockpiles of nerve agents.

The diplomatic rancor grows with every passing statement and shows no sign of decreasing.