Dennis Rodman, a former NBA superstar, arrived in Korea on Tuesday, June 13. The athlete has forged an unlikely friendship with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and has already visited the country a couple of times. On this, his most recent visit, Rodman came bearing gifts for Kim Jong-un.
The sportsman's arrival at Pyongyang International Airport, in North Korea, is surrounded by controversy because it is his first time to visit the dictator since President Donald Trump was elected. It wasn't his first time to visit the country, but his trip this year is more special as he came with gifts and a special task.
Dennis Rodman: a man with a mission
Before his flight from China to North Korea, Rodman spoke to reporters from Fox News saying he is there to "open a door". But he did not elaborate on the statement. Nevertheless, he dropped hints that President Trump is somewhat influential in this trip.
The Business Insider quoted him as saying, "Well, I'm pretty sure he's pretty much happy with the fact that I'm over here trying to accomplish something that we both need."
Dennis Rodman's Gifts to Kim Jong-un
It is not just his "mission" that caught the eye of the press. He was seen arriving at Pyongyang with gift bags in his hands. They were hand-carried by Rodman as gifts for his "best friend" Kim Jong-un.
The North Korean leader is apparently an NBA fanatic.
Rodman met with North's Korea's sports minister who is believed to have handed the precious gifts to Kim Jong-un. According to BBC, the first gift is President Donald Trump's 1987 ghostwritten bestseller "The Art of the Deal". It is a book about negotiating the best business deals.
The second gift is a copy of "Where's Waldo." This is a surprising twist since it certainly does not look like a fitting gift for a leader, but Rodman has his reasons.
The former NBA star, who is known for his eccentric sense of humor also gave Kim Jong-un a mermaid puzzle. It's not clear, however, if it represents a deeper meaning.
Both the camps of Rodman and President Trump denied allegations that the former basketball player was sent to North Korea to push for a diplomatic deal.
Lastly, Rodman allegedly bought some last-minute gifts from the airport, which happened to be fancy soaps.
Kim Jong-un and his love for basketball
Rodman's bizarre friendship with Kim Jong-un is somewhat special as the dictator has no known friendship with any other world leaders. His love for basketball and the NBA goes beyond Dennis Rodman. He reportedly owns a ball signed by Michael Jordan, a gift from former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. It was allegedly presented to the leader in an unsuccessful diplomatic effort.
As peculiar as his personality, Rodman's gifts for the North Korean leader baffle the public. Equally, everyone is left clueless when Rodman is asked what his friendship with Kim Jong-un is really like.