Earlier today, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon held a press conference where she detailed the plans of the United Kingdom to invoke the Lisbon Treaty's Article 50, as soon as tomorrow, and certainly by the end of March. Once this occurs, the United Kingdom will begin down a path that will see it separate from the European Union in March 2019. The first minister spoke of her attempts to find compromise with the U.K. government, while protecting the interests of Scotland. First Minister Sturgeon spoke of Scotland facing a decision, not of its own choosing.
She stated "I wish that we weren't in this position."
Calling the outcome of the looming decision one where "stakes are high," in a recent Bloomberg video, Sturgeon observed that the United Kingdom has yet to provide a clear plan for moving forward, in addition to failing to "compromise," even "by an inch." The Scottish first minister stated that her efforts to find common ground have been met with a "brick wall of intransigence."
Envisions Scotland enjoying 'partnership of equals'
Nicola Sturgeon told those gathered in Edinburgh that she will "take the steps necessary" to ensure that, at the end of the process unfolding in the United Kingdom, Scottish citizens have a choice in their destiny, which the first minister characterized as one between joining with the United Kingdom and following a "hard Brexit," or else choosing to separate, and transforming Scotland into an "independent country." She professed a hope that Scotland might find a place with European nations, and the United Kingdom, where they enjoyed a "partnership of equals."
The first minister stated that her government's "mandate" to seek a Scottish independence referendum vote is "beyond doubt.
Sturgeon quoted her party's manifesto, which states that another referendum may be sought if a "significant and material change in the circumstances" surrounding the last referendum, in 2014, were to occur. Nicola Sturgeon held up Scotland being forced to leave the European Union as a "significant and material change."
Sturgeon will seek 'section 30 order' next week
The 46-year-old Scottish leader detailed her plan to invoke a "section 30 order," with the permission of the Scottish Parliament, that will spell out the details of legislation that will govern a new referendum for Scottish independence.
The BBC reports that Ms. Sturgeon is hoping for a referendum vote in the fall of 2018, or by the spring of 2019, which would roughly match with the March 2019 date the first minister described the United Kingdom will officially separate from the European Union.
A Scottish referendum is reported to require the permission of U.K.
Prime Minister Theresa May. Reportedly, the PM has yet to make an indication of whether she will support a Scottish independence vote, but has stated that such a vote has the potential to create "uncertainty and division." The prime minister has expressed the view that independence is not a goal held by a majority of Scots.