"Lucha Underground" has some bizarre storylines. Some of them are good, and some of them are not. Many people are going to love the addition of giant snake and lizard people to the roster, and others are going to hate it. If you really enjoy "Lucha Underground," which a lot of people (myself included) do, then you probably thought this was awesome.
'Lucia Underground' this week: Kobra Moon vs. Drago
The second match on this week's show was a singles match between Drago and Kobra Moon. We saw an interesting backstage vignette last week where Kobra Moon was sitting atop a throne.
She seemed to summon people wearing lizard masks and costumes into her royal chambers. This season we have also seen her attempt to get Drago to recognize her as Queen of his tribe.
"Lucia Underground" often makes reference to the 7 ancient Aztec tribes (i.e the 7 Gift of the Gods medallions), and it appears as though Kobra Moon is a Queen of one of them. We also know that Prince Puma was (and possibly still is, if he is still alive), a descendent of Aztec warriors from the 7 original tribes as well.
Drago appears to want nothing to do with her or her tribe
This match started off even, with Kobra Moon even getting the early advantage. She does legitimately wrestle like a snake. She did a head-scissors takeover that looked very snake-like, if that makes any sense at all.
It is a mix between a lucha libra style and how a snake moves.
As the match wore on, however, Drago got the advantage. Moon began to convulse, and I'm assuming this was meant to be how she summons her disciples. The first guy was dressed all in green and looked very much like a green alien that once beat up Captain Kirk on "Star Trek." The second guy was described by Matt Striker as being over 7ft tall, and Vampiro said the translation of his name into english is "Giant Snake."
Lizard people as 'Lucha Underground' trios champions?
Kobra Moon's flunkies caused the DQ win for Drago, but Moon, Giant Snake, and Star Trek villain got the upper hand on Drago and his teammates, Fenix and Aerostar, who came out to help him.
The segment sets up a possible trios championship match down the line between Kobra Moon's team, and Drago's, since they just so happen to be the current trios champions.
Giant Snake looks like someone "Lucha Underground" could push to be a new top monster in the company. It will depend on how he does in this trios program first, however.