Netflix has teamed up with the Russo Brothers to produce an upcoming animated "Magic: The Gathering" series. The series revolves around the fantasy card game, where players fight one another as "wizards" who can summon a variety of spells, monsters and other magical items. The game has made the leap to PC and video games over the last fifteen years and has only grown in popularity.

It was recently revealed in a game theory study that "Magic: The Gathering," has become the most complicated real-world game. Universal and Hasbro were previously working on a "Magic: The Gathering" in 2009 but ended up bailing on the project.

Fox later picked up the film rights in 2014, but their project did not move anywhere. The IP has now moved to Netflix and is now becoming an animated TV series, one that is being overseen by some creative geniuses.

Netflix is teaming up with Russo Brothers for the first time

Netflix made the announcement on Monday, saying that the Russo Brothers will be serving as executive producers. "Avengers: Endgame" directors released a statement in conjunction with Netflix's press release, saying they are huge fans and players of "Magic: The Gathering." The Russos will expand on the stories featured in previous versions of the franchise, as well as create a completely new storyline.

The series is best defined as a show that crisscrosses the genres of thriller, horror and drama.

The show will include deeply developed rich characters. The Russos will work alongside Henry Gilroy and Jose Molina, they both will serve as writers and co-producers. The show's creative team has a strong lengthy resume, deserving of this opportunity.

Netflix continues to add to its original animated show library

Netflix will now have another series to add to their collection of original animated shows geared towards adults.

The streaming giant already has several adult based series like "BoJack Horseman," and is expected to add even more. "Magic: The Gathering," is part of Netflix's work of expanding their fantasy genre offerings.

Clearly, Netflix is looking to tap into that lucrative Russo brothers box office mojo. The brothers have produced "four Marvel Studios hits in five years with $6.61 billion in the global box office." Bardel Entertainment will handle the show's animation.

Bardel has been responsible for popular animated shows including "Rick and Morty," and "Teen Titans Go!." "The Gathering’s rich and diverse cast of characters and worlds to Netflix in a way that will delight our many fans and those new to the franchise.”

With Netflix continually bringing in new content, subscribers are wondering whether this show will be popular or just fall to the wayside. Netflix has created so much content, streamers can get lost and left with no time to indulge in all of the content available.