Lala Kent is best known for being on "Vanderpump Rules," a reality show that follows the lives of the workers at S.U.R. Kent has only been on for a few seasons, first joining the cast in Season 4, and works as a hostess at the restaurant run by "Real Housewife" and business mogul Lisa Vanderpump. According to a report by Femestella, Kent "is one of the most genuine on the show. And one of her passions is trying to get women to support other women."
Although Kent has stirred up some controversies because of her past and current dating situations, she has consistently showcased how important it is for women to raise each other up rather than beat each other down.
Kent has been called Reality TV's most unexpected feminist and the feminist hero we need.
Unapologetic feminism
According to Glamour, Kent is "a pro-woman, sex-positive, body-positive badass who isn't afraid to own her beauty…or anything she does to enhance it." She's open about the work she's had done to her body. While her relationship has been pretty much behind-closed-doors up until recently, she has still been candid about her romantic excursions. Glamour also describes her as "unapologetic about asking for—and getting—what she wants." Kent is going to live her life the way she wants, and she doesn't really care what anyone thinks about that. She is so unabashedly herself and continuously works to prove herself as a friend, worker, and a strong woman altogether.
Kent has a few non-family-friendly remarks, but overall supports the idea of women standing up for each other and being endlessly supportive to one another. She also doesn't put up with any man disrespecting a woman, which she has consistently shown through her honest relationship with friend James Kennedy and headstrong opinions about her friends' relationship struggles.
Making a positive change
Kent also doesn't tolerate discrimination. She's made it clear that people are people and deserve to be treated right and appreciated. When commenting on transgender S.U.R hostess Billie Lee, Kent said "I can’t even describe to you how much I love and adore Billie. She just embodies everything a human being should embody." Also, Kent is an animal rights activist.
She has created her own cruelty-free makeup line, and also spreads awareness about the harmful effects animals face living in captivity, like at Sea World.
According to Refinery, "even the women who hurt Lala the most are now welcome under her feminist umbrella of pet names and positivity." Kent is always willing to move forward and leave problems in the past. She's been judged and criticized throughout her life, so it's incredibly refreshing to see her have such a positive outlook on her personal relationships.