The highly anticipated second season of "Marvel’s Jessica Jones" finally hit Netflix just last month, and trust me, it did not disappoint. Two years was a long time to wait for the second season but the payoff sure was worth it. However, Jessica Jones isn’t the only Defenders team member that fans have been waiting for. Just last month the trailer for the second season of "Luke Cage" was released as well and fans went wild. Thirty days later and the vibe isn't quite as positive.
‘Heroes for Hire’ team-up?
Of course, as we all know, "Luke Cage" is returning to Netflix in June for its second season as Mike Colter revives the titular role.
Recently a new photo was released revealing the return of Finn Jones’ Danny Rand (a.k.a Iron Fist) in the second season of "Luke Cage." That’s right, everybody, Marvel’s most problematic TV character is back to ruin yet another viewing experience.
It would be an understatement to say that "Marvel’s Iron Fist" was poorly received. The overwhelming dislike of the character wasn’t limited to his own show’s first season but even spilled over into the Netflix crossover. Most fans who’ve watched "The Defenders" will agree that Danny Rand was the worst part of the show. Many took to Twitter to express their disdain over Danny entering the world of Cage. “No one asked for this,” is what many fans are saying.
In fact, some go as far as to say that the team-up signals the decline of the show.
Others speculate that Iron Fist’s appearance in "Luke Cage" signals a future "Heroes For Hire" series. For now, a "Heroes for Hire" crossover seems to be nothing but rumors and fan speculation and we’ll all have to wait and see what Danny and Luke are up to in season 2.
However, British film magazine Empire was able to get a quote from show-runner Cheo Hodari Coker: “Danny helps Luke channel his chi,” said Coker regarding Danny Rand’s "brief" appearance in the show's second season. I guess Luke will be learning some new moves.
Misty gets her arm back
In other "Luke Cage" news, Simone Messick's Misty Knight will be getting the iconic bionic arm worn by her comic book counterpart.
During "The Defenders" season finale Misty’s arm was severed in the battle against The Hand.
With her new bionic arm and a growing friendship between her and Colleen Wing, the "Heroes for Hire" crew will soon be complete. Nonetheless, all shall be revealed when "Luke Cage" Season 2 hits Netflix on June 22, 2018.