Keeping track of the Reagan family on the popular #CBS sitcom "Blue Bloods", the dynamics have changed in #Season 8. Danny Reagan (#Donnie Wahlberg) has had to deal with the loss of his wife Linda (Amy Carlson). Nicky Reagan-Boyle (Sami Gayle) has been preoccupying herself by taking a test to see if he has what it takes to become a cop. Jamie Reagan (Will Estes) appears to have a strengthening relationship with Eddie Janko (Vanessa Ray), and not just as partners in the police force.
Not just a hit and run
One clever thing "Blue Bloods" does is give their episode titles fitting names.
This episode was titled "Erasing History", and the three cases covered in this episode appropriately tie in with the theme of the title. The episode starts off with Henry Reagan (Len Cariou), the former NYPD Commissioner, walking on the streets of New York having only one goal in mind, which was to buy a lottery ticket. Henry soon finds himself in an awkward position as an out of control car speeds right toward him. The problem is a husband and wife couple also happens to be in harm's way. Henry boldly pulls the wife, Whitney Simmons, to safety. However, the husband, Jerry Simmons, isn't as fortunate as he gets hit by the car, which crashes right through the window of a floral shop.
Detectives Danny Reagan and Maria Baez (Marissa Ramirez) investigate the crime scene and ask Henry some questions.
Henry claims that the driver of the vehicle "jumped out and ran off smiling." The detectives soon find a code grabber, a device that is able to digitally unlock any car as long as it has the correct code. The investigation reveals that Jerry was part of a real estate firm and that he may have been a victim of a money laundering scheme.
The professional money launderer in question turns out to be a hot shot businessman named Mario Vangelis, who apparently had it out for Jerry.
The middleman of this money laundering scheme turned out to be the driver of the vehicle, named Tim. Danny and Baez attempted to confront Tim when they approached his apartment and kicked down the door.
However, they were shocked to see that Tim had supposedly hung himself, engulfed in loud hard rock music. Danny immediately becomes suspicious of this scene, refusing to believe that Tim would commit suicide. Danny states that he knew Tim and that he wouldn't do something like this as he always had a smile on his face whenever he was in town.
Looking deep into bank accounts online, the detectives find the proof they were looking for that pins Vangelis and his business to Tim, basically ordering a hit on Jerry through Tim. Feeling that there is no other way to avenge her late husband's death, Whitney contemplates running down Vangelis similar to the way Jerry was run down. However, Danny makes the save and stops Whitney from doing something that she would regret.
When Whitney asks if Vangelis will pay for what he did, Danny replies that Vangelis will, and Danny will have a smile on his face.
Corruption and Hypocrisy
Meanwhile, the team of Jame and Eddie catch a man who was in violation of his parole. The catch here is the man happens to be in a romantic relationship with his girlfriend, a relationship that still exists. However, there was an order for this man, Gabe, to stay away from his girlfriend. Gabe's parole officer was a man named Don Voorhees, a character who is very blunt and has a bad attitude. Gabe continuously states that he has gotten clean from his past and that he's trying to make amends with his girlfriend. Judging from what Gabe claims, both Jamie and Eddie can feel right away that something isn't right about Don Voorhees.
Jamie takes his concerns about Don to his sister Erin Reagan (Bridget Moynahan) and brings up the possibility that Don may be forcing those who are on parole to intentionally commit crimes and break their parole. Jamie states that Don may be abusing his power as a parole officer and that something must be done about it. Reluctant to go too deep into this possibility, Erin basically states that it's a tricky situation to be in.
The current NYPD Commissioner Frank Reagan (#Tom Selleck) experiences his own challenge as a defiant young woman named Chrissie takes down the NYPD flag and pours red paint on top of it. The red paint was used by Chrissie to symbolize blood. Chrissie happens to be a friend of Nicky's, and this fact alone causes a stir within the Reagan family.
This isn't the first time Chrissie has got herself in trouble with the law as she has made demonstrations in the past to voice her opinion on the NYPD.
Sitting down with her grandfather to have a discussion about her friend, Nicky urges Frank to understand where Chrissie is coming from, even though Nicky herself doesn't approve of how Chrissie went about voicing her opinion. This conversation gets a little heated and it ends with Frank telling Nicky that it becomes personal when the very same flag that was used to honor a fallen family member, Joe Reagan, is the target of a demonstration.
Nicky soon confronts Chrissie about the incident, but it doesn't appear that Chrissie understands the magnitude of what she did.
Just before Nicky and Chrissie have their conversation, Chrissie bragged with a few of her friends that she spent twelve hours in jail and that it was "totally worth it". In their conversation, Nicky gets information on what Chrissie plans to do next to the NYPD. However, this proves to be bad information as it was nothing more than a false alarm. This bad information mentioned Chrissie and her friends using smoke bombs and many ball bearings to interrupt police business.
Going back to the corrupt parole officer, Jamie and Eddie purposely get Gabe and Leo, another victim of Don Voorhees' meddling, back inside an NYPD jail cell from the Rikers Island prison, and once he sees this, Don immediately starts losing it.
Jamie and Eddie confront Don on what he has been doing to ruin the lives of those he had on his watch. It doesn't take long for the evidence to reveal itself in front of Don, including the fact that Gabe and Leo will testify against Don, speaking out on his corruption.
In all of these cases, you can clearly see that there were significant amounts of hypocrisy, that actions that may seem acceptable and understandable to some people may not be to others. In the case of Chrissie and the message she was trying to send, that the NYPD is nothing but a corrupt organization, her message fell on deaf ears because she didn't carry herself in the way that an honorable citizen should have. This was a lesson taught to Nicky that you can give a friend a second chance, but if they drop the ball with that second chance there is nothing you can do about it.