Robert Pattinson rose to fame following his lead role as Edward Cullen in “The Twilight Saga” franchise, which is a TV adaptation of American author Stephenie Meyer’s novel of the same name. He was a vampire in the movie who fell in love with Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan, a regular teenage girl. Their roles brought them together in the limelight and to this date, fans are still not over them. R-Patz and K-Stew dated after they starred in the movie but broke up sometime in 2012 or 2013 following her alleged affair with her “Snow White and the Huntsman” director, Rupert Sanders.
Recently, R-Patz revealed that it took him a decade to leave the film behind.
“Twilight” hangs around R-Patz for years
Robert Pattinson recently told The Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcast that he knew it will take him ten years to get over the film after he inked a deal to do multiple sequels of “The Twilight Saga.” He said though that it was a right move and is thankful for doing the film as it has brought him to stardom. R-Patz went on to say that he wouldn’t have done any other things in his career as an actor if it wasn’t for the movie. However, he is worried that he also had a "credibility deficit" following his role in the film although he was able to get past it by working with his directors such as Anton Corbijn, David Cronenberg and Werner Herzog.
"I was aware of a credibility deficit,” Robert Pattinson said. “And so you think, 'Well, if [Werner] Herzog and Anton Corbijn and all these people are hiring me, well, you're gonna have to shit on your heroes if you want to shit on me.” He further said he doesn’t mind if his latest films make money or not as long as he can get another one.
He made these remarks following his recent revelation during an interview with Howard Stern that there are people who still can’t get over his relationship with Kristen Stewart. He calls them a group of crack troupes or the professional trolls that seemed fascinated with hurting his relationship with FKA Twigs.
R-Patz suffers relationship difficulties with FKA Twigs
Robert Pattinson revealed that his fiancée faces racial disparagement from other people just because she is dating him. He said that he’s been trying to tone it down so both of them won’t get hurt but admitted that he doesn’t always succeed. He told Howard Stern that he is “kind of engaged” to FKA Twigs. So, there. He is engaged. Something that some fans should think about.
Robert Pattinson is currently promoting his newest film “Good Time” which is scheduled to hit U.S. theaters on August 11.