The reboot of the 1970's sitcom, "One Day at a Time," has been renewed on Netflix. "One Day At a Time" made its debut on January 6th of this year. The show stars Justina Machado, Todd Grinnell, and Rita Moreno. Most critics enjoyed the 13 episode first season. So it is no surprise that on March 4, Netflix announced its renewal for another 13 episode season. All the original cast members from season one are expected to return.
The show that launched MacKenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli's careers now follows Penelope Alvarez, an Army veteran who adopts to life as a new single mother of her two children.
She has help from her own Cuban born mother, Lydia, and her rich landlord and confidant, Schneider. "One Day At a Time" shows the audience how the Alvarez family navigate through challenges of everyday life in Southern California.
The show also deals with Penelope's readjustment to life outside of the army as a nurse in a doctor's office. The first season covers Penelope's struggle with anxiety and depression and shows her deciding whether to take the medicine her boss, Dr. Leslie Berkowitz, played by Stephan Tobolowsky, prescribes her. In the end, Penelope seeks out a veteran support group for therapy.
Alex and Elena
Alex Alvarez played by Marcel Ruiz is Penelope's tween son. He struggles with finding his social place in school.
Penelope's teen daughter, Elena Alvarez, played by Isabella Gomez, struggles with her sexuality, finding her voice as writer and getting her grandmother to forget about a quinceañera. When Alex finds out about Elena's struggle, he supports her. By the end of season one, Elena makes a decision and declares a sexual identity.
Season two coming soon?
No word on when the show will start production for the next season or when the season will premiere on Netflix. "One Day At a Time" is produced by Act III Productions, Inc., Small Fish Studios, and Snowpants Productions. Sony Pictures Television distributes it. The multi-cam sitcom is now available for streaming on Netflix.