"Charmed" first aired on Oct 7, 1998. The story line was set in San Francisco and followed the lives of three sisters, who happened to be witches. The sisters, Piper (Holly Marie Combs), Prue (Shannen Doherty) and Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) used their powers to fight evil witches, warlocks, and demons. The show ran for 178 episodes and quickly established a cult following as viewers cheered for the “Power of Three” team.
Prequel will have entirely different setting
Recently, EW and other media outlets have been reporting that the CW Network has plans in the works to do a prequel of “Charmed” but the story line will have a much earlier time frame and an entirely different location.
They plan to set the time frame in the 70s and the story line will take place in New England. That might be okay if you were not a fan of the original show, but true fans believe this is just too different to even deserve to be called by the same name.
The new show is already being written and the CW Network has high hopes, as it is being developed by the same people that worked on their new hit show, “Jane the Virgin.” While the writers and producers are excited about plans for a prequel to Charmed, many fans have a different take on it.
Fans say “No way” to the prequel for 'Charmed'
As soon as the news hit social media, fans started voicing their displeasure and outrage over the idea of anyone messing with their beloved show, “Charmed.” Holly Marie Combs took to Twitter with a simple, one line response, and fans quickly filled up the comment section with anything but happiness over the idea of a prequel.
We wish them well.
— Holly Marie Combs (@H_Combs) January 5, 2017
Fans stated that a show without the original cast was a waste of time, and they would not watch. Many fans viewed Combs' simple statement as sarcasm and joined in with their own remarks. Some even posted vanquishing spells to make the new show disappear, while others called for a boycott of the CW Network.
True fans rarely agree with remakes
The reaction of the fans of the original “Charmed” is not that unusual. Some shows have viewers that remain fans long after the show ends. The cast of the original show are so firmly set in their ways that it is almost like a family member suddenly being changed without their permission. Shows like “Sons of Anarchy” and movies such as “Dirty Dancing” have fans that are very protective of the original version and will baulk at any mention of changes.
Apparently, Piper, Phoebe, and Prue have fallen into this category, as well, and true fans would rather watch re-runs of the original show instead of a new prequel set in such a different time. Some, however, did mention that they wouldn’t mind a sequel of the next generation of witches, so long as Combs, Doherty, and Milano made guest appearances.