Kaley Cuoco has one of the most legendarily amazing bodies in Hollywood but you might not realize that. On the "Big Bang Theory" Penny is most often seen in sloppy tanks, tees and jammie pants. On top of her fabulous figure the star rocked more weight lossand dropped a jeans size. Kaley's hot body secrets will make your jaw drop. So they are pretty simple really but don't "knock, knock, knock Penny Hofstadter's celebrity diet tips until you try them.
The Plastic Surgery solution
No, the big secret to Kaley's body is not silicone but it's part. At the young age of 18, Cuoco did have breast implants.
Shehas never regretted the boob job. In 2004, while starring in "8 Simple Rules" the actress had controversial breast augmentation. Shecalls it the best decision she ever made--apparently referencing discomfort about having smaller breasts. So cosmetic surgery so young is debatable to say the least. But one wise choice Kaley made was not to go too big with the silicone implants. They are undeniably larger but not out of place on her body. The breasts do bear the tell-tale too perfectly spherical shape, a dead-giveaway for plastic surgery. Interestingly, Kaley flashed one of those famous boobs on Snapchat recently.
The Penny proposition
Love has lost and found Kaley a few times. In 2013, she gushed that husband Ryan Sweeting was her forever man after a 6-month whirlwind romance.
That marriage lasted only a few years. Before that it was co-star Johnny Galecki who plays Penny's husband Leonard Hofstadter on "Big Bang Theory." She was famously in a 10-day romance with Henry Cavill but that "Man of Steel" didn't pan out. Now Cuoco proclaims herself wildly in love with new boyfriend Karl Cook. But in or out of love Kaley stays fit and here's that big secret.
The Body Electric
In a word Cuoco's weight loss is down toyoga. (There's a reason she's always sporting workout clothes on the show!) Thanks to daily sessions ofBikrum hot yoga followed by "cool" power down routines, the star is able to retain her youthful good looks. It may surprise you that yoga could so tone but the stretching exercises are a perfect total body workout. Co-star Mayim Bialikappears to have lost weight too though she proclaims never to exercise!