On April 24, 2016, Game of Thrones season 6 premieres on HBO, in the meanwhile, many actors are speaking about the fate of their characters. Alfie Allen, who plays Theon Greyjoy in the show, recently released some details on Theon and Sansa Stark storylines. Allen defined the next season of GOT as "Greyjoyful", hinting that we are going to see a development of his character's relationship with Sansa Stark (after they had jumped down from Winterfell's walls). We can argue that Theon and Sansa are going to stay together for a while, probably escaping from the "imprisonment" by Ramsay Bolton.

"You're going to see a bit more Greyjoy-ness coming into [Game of Thrones season 6]" Allen promises. We know from the books that season 6 is going to focus more on the Greyjoy family, and maybe we will see the big naval battle that we know for sure will be in Martin's next novel, The Winds of Winter.

Kit Harington onGame of Thrones season 6: Jon Snow is dead

Kit Harington talks of Game of Thrones season 6 in an interview with the Sunday Times Cultural Magazine: Jon Snow is dead, he hints.

Jon Snow's fate is still a mistery for the fans. "I've finished Thrones. I have, I've died", Harington said, explaining his presence on the filming locations with the need of impersonating Jon Snow's dead body.

"You can't just forget that he's actually dead. I had to be a dead body. So there was a certain amount of filming that had to be done", Harington added. At the moment, we have many hints about a possible "new life" for Jon Snow and many hints about his death. How to explain the possible reviving of Jon Snow after Kit Harington latest interview aboutGame of Thrones new season?

Of course, we can just assume that Jon Snow is dead and that's it, but we still have to face the hints about his possibile return, hints existing in both the TV show and the books. We can speculate of a return of Jon Snow in a different form: Harington's statement about the death of Jon Snow is still compatible with the Azor Ahai theory.

Azor Ahai will be reborn after the long summer, according to the prophecy recounted by Melisandre, he will wield a flaming sword (Lightbringer) to fight the Others. Jon's death contains some crucial elements of the prophecy (his wounds smoke and someone is crying, providing salt), moreover, in the books, Jon has a dream where he is wielding a flaming sword and when Melisandre looks into her flames for Azor Ahai she saw, literally, snow.

We cannot exclude that Jon Snow will be the new Azor Ahai: the reborn of the legendary heromay just lead to a transformation, and with a new look comes a new actor...

In spite of the hints we reported, there is no certainty about Jon's fate: we will know the truth only watching the sixth season of Game of Thrones, which will premiere on April 24, 2016.