Behind the curtains, tons of work goes into recording pro wrestlers' official arena entrance theme music. The squared circle personalities need carefully studio-recorded, well-mastered songs that fit a full-arena atmosphere filled with tens of thousands of screaming fans. In addition, these recordings need to be catered specifically to the nuances of what the promotion is meant to manipulate you, the viewer, into believing about whoever is coming out to them. — And it needs to be done in seconds-long impressions, despite being full tracks. Many times the Wrestling stars and their entrance themes mark a perfect marriage—but from time to time...the music is far better than the sports entertainers warrant.
Let us look take look at ten shining examples.
'Regality' - William Regal
I'd imagine this is the type of song you'd hear in the afterlife when someone says, "You think you're going to Heaven? NOPE!" Pretty dramatic—too dramatic. At his meanest, William Regal would just be a pretty generic heel who would hit someone with a foreign object and act all coy as though he didn't. To know that Mr. Regal retained this entrance theme for most of his WWE career, where he played a gentlemanly good guy ... is simply besmirching.
'Out from the Shadows' - Sting
At the time of his debut, this particular song seemed aptly on par with the level of theatrics Steve Borden deserved, as he was the highest-profile wrestler yet to step into WWE. To understand why this is included here, we must look at the entirety of Sting’s stay and win/loss record in WWE. He had one meaningless tag team win on RAW and lost all his PPV matches. So, in retrospect, his career in WWE was kind of a bust—and what this theme promised, Sting as an aged performer did not deliver.