disney just launched its new streaming service Disney+ and that means subscribers were finally able to watch their "star wars" inspired show "The Mandalorian". It seems like the series has been overhyped and now it's just "okay." This is probably not what Disney and Disney+ want to hear. However, it's a review that the new streaming platform will accept. Disney kept the show secret and away from critics.
No, they could not reveal potential spoilers or big reveals. With no advance screening, Disney must be willing to accept negative reviews. After watching the first episode, I didn't see anything that could be potentially spoiled. The end moments are big, but not as big as previous "Star Wars" reveals.
Variety reports that Disney kept "The Mandalorian", away from the media's eyes so they could have a potential flood of press coverage on release day. Those in the media know that fans will be searching for information about "The Mandalorian", and so does Disney+. It's also true that a number of outlets will feel the need to offer their two cents about the new series, so here I go.
Disney+ has only dropped the first episode of "The Mandalorian", making it a bit difficult to review a series of this nature.
The Good: 'The Mandalorian' atmosphere
The expansive "Star Wars" universe seemed ripe for a potential TV series. Many of the locations could lead to deep stories involving the people who live and work there. Consider the Mos Eisley Cantina, it's the "Star Wars" take on "Cheers".
"The Mandalorian" is missing the single-setting. The main character, the Mandalorian, is a bounty hunter who sets out to different parts of the galaxy to capture his targets. The first episode features a good amount of settings, from a snowy planet to a desolate desert planet. There are enough characters and happenings to keep the area interesting.
"The Mandalorian" is not your average action drama series. It's more of a spaghetti western made in the 1960s. It doesn't take much to imagine Clint Eastwood as the bounty hunter. "The Mandalorian" succeeds in connecting the films with spaghetti westerns.
Bad: Characters? We don't truly know 'The Mandalorian'
When Disney announced that Pedro Pascal would lead the series, fans were ecstatic. Pascal, best known for his work as Viper on "Game of Thrones", left many hoping that we would get to see his true charismatic self interacting with the "Star Wars" universe. Unfortunately, for now, Pascal is being kept hidden behind a mask.
Jon Favreau, one of the show's writers, previously dealt with a similar situation in "Iron Man".
Favreau made sure they used as much face time as they could with Robert Downey Jr., by cutting to inside Iron Man's mask to show fans his face. "The Mandalorian" so far does not employ similar tactics.
Good: 'The Mandalorian' running time
"The Mandalorian" first episode, has a short running time of a little less than 40 minutes, a much-needed change to the half-hour dramas found on other streaming services. With a show focused more on the setting rather than character, a shorter run time is the best choice. Despite its short run time, "The Mandalorian" feels like an unnecessarily drawn-out episode. I struggled to not zone out at times. Favreau's script fails to hit the mark sometimes, causing me to lose interest.
Bad: First episode is a stretched out movie starting point
"The Mandalorian," will have eight episodes, with a total run time of 320 minutes. Not quite the length of a feature film, but short enough so people can binge watch it during a single afternoon this Holiday season. Disney+ has already said the season finale will drop December 27, right in the middle of the Holiday season. The series has a nice pace to it, but at times, is devastatingly boring.