Warner Bros. just released "Joker," a very unique, gritty and violent take on the origin story of Batman's most famous villains. This new origin story film tells the story of Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) in a style that shows how he turns into the criminal mastermind. The film received both praise and criticism during the Venice Film Festival.
Joaquin Phoenix's performance created Oscar buzz. Heath Ledger received an Oscar for his unforgettable performance in "The Dark Knight." Jack Nicholson also received a Golden Globe for his work in "Batman." The debate over the film has turned into a debate over whether Arthur Fleck's life could inspire real-world violence.
A critic on IndieWire called the film a toxic rallying cry for "incels."
'Joker' film has received concern about possible acts of violence
Concerns were raised by memories of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting, which took place during a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises." Law enforcement increased their presence at theaters across the country. Warner Bros. tried to distance themselves from claims by critics by saying the film does not endorse real-world violence.
Critics and Hollywood reporters are expecting "Joker" to become a box office hit and draw attention during the upcoming awards season. There is no planned sequel in the works, but "Joker" director Todd Phillips, left the door open in case Phoenix wants to reprise his role.
Critics have become divided over the belief that the film is dangerous. Vulture's David Edelstein said that the film is an attempt at elevating nerdy revenge to the level of myth.
Critics are divided over 'Joker' and its ability to inspire potential attacks
Refinery29's Kathleen Newman-Bremang said that "Joker" can't be separated from the real-world gritty violence its story tells.
"Joker" turns a supervillain into a folk hero. It's even more of a concern in a world where people like Dylann Roof and Faisal Hussain exist. Slate's Sam Adams believes the film is somewhat of an incel manifesto.
There are others who believe "Joker" is just a harmless movie. Forbes writer Scott Mendelson says that Movies, TV and video games can't be blamed for true life violence.
New York Times Dan Brooks says that "Joker" causing violence is an insult to the audience. While some say its a call for incel's to attack, the Guardian says the film doesn't lean to one political perspective.
It will really be up to moviegoers themselves to decide for themselves whether or not this film could truly inspire loners to act out their rage. No acts of violence have been reported during the weekend screenings of the film.