Odell Beckam Jr., who less than 6 weeks ago, received the $95M highest paid wideout money he was looking for from the NY Giants has apparently decided that this alone has earned has earned him the title of inspirational and intellectual leader of the team, as well. OBJ opened up about a lot of different topics, in an interview with ESPN last week, only a couple of which were publicized before this past Sunday’s Oct.

7 game, vs. Carolina Panthers. In Beckham's Oct. 5 interview he made some questionable comments, in a team context, regarding the rest of the team’s energy in their first four starts. The issue was compounded when ESPN released the complete video interview following the Giants fourth loss.

Beckham throws the team under the bus

In the complete interview, with questions asked by ESPN’s Josina Anderson, OBJ, accompanied by rapper Lil Wayne, apparently as his Svengali, dropped bombshell after bombshell. When asked about his quarterback’s play, he waffled while unmistakenly depicting Manning as an aging, slow-footed dinosaur.

Beckham went on, as reported by the NY Post “I haven’t been in the place where I felt like I could really go out and do everything that I’m capable of doing. I don’t get 20 targets like some other receivers, you know.”In addition, Odell said he wants to have more have balls thrown to him over the top because it’s easier and more fun than catching and running 60 yards.

It is all about me

Overall, Beckham believes that he isn’t being utilized adequately enough to showcase his abilities. OBJ used to have butterflies before the games and now its more businesslike, he said, when asked if he liked playing in New York. And, oh, by the way, he really enjoys the sun in his face each day, something LA has a lot of..

OK, enough already, Mr. Beckham. This image you see, that says because you are the highest (or near highest) paid player on the team, that you are a de facto leader is incorrect. That attitude, perhaps born in the NBA, doesn’t translate well to the NFL because football is a true team sport.

Furthermore, the ether provided to Beckham's brain, from his new $95M contract, is making him sound like he has lived in LA for a lot longer than he has. Sitting in the interview with his dyed blonde locks dangling, and Lil Wayne by his side nodding in agreement, while answering questions from Ms. Anderson of ESPN, Beckham sounded mostly like a west coast flower child of the 60s, as he spewed all that he felt was wrong with his world, in this case, the New York Giants.

In doing so he disrespected the NY Giants who have made OBJ a millionaire; which pleased Lil Wayne as he later tweeted, that Beckham told it as it was instead of what the organization wanted him to say. He disrespected two time Super Bowl winning quarterback Eli Manning. He disrespected his head coach, and overall sounded like a spoiled brat.

It is hard not to express one's disdain for the attitude of an ungrateful person. Odell Beckham Jr. now has the voice of an entitled, selfish, celebrity whom, I will cease to hear. But in Odell's defense, in his opinion, as reported by the Post, “... right now, I feel like I have to work entirely too hard.”Give me a break. The last NY Giant to go all LA on us fans was defensive end Fred Dryer in the 60’s.

We loved him, but sent him to LA three years later to become Hunter! P.S. OBJ caught and threw a touchdown pass vs. the Panthers on Sunday. However, he also dropped a fourth down pass, dropped an earlier touchdown catch (not bringing it in soon enough, which he needs to work on), and engaged in a play that led directly to a touchdown against the Giants, on a muffed punt.