Now that alleged Alabama sexual assaulter and child molester Roy Moore, (R), is gone, Donald Trump must resign as President. Had Moore won on Tuesday, the U.S. Senate would have been tied up with investigations of Moore and the ever-mounting allegations against him. In that scenario, the allegations against Trump would have been suppressed and the Trump Administration would have been benefited from the media circus focused on Moore instead of Trump. In this murky political climate, the President's own ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, stated that women making allegations against Trump should be heard. Donald Trump has not been able to ignore the allegations, even in his own administration.
Moore refuses to concede
As if to add insult to injury, Roy Moore has refused to concede the Senate race to Doug Jones. Jones won the Alabama election by two percentage points, (50 percent to 48 percent), or about 21,000 votes. But as this observer sees it, Moore's refusal to concede does not affect the outcome of the race. Jones still won the race and even if there is a recount, Jones still will emerge the victor.
Besides, if anything, Moore's political bad sportsmanship only will help to fuel the pressure on Trump to resign because it will confirm the stereotypical perception of alleged sexual abusers and predators as mean-spirited, self-centered and vengeful. As Alabamans and Americans, in general, redirect their attention from Moore to Trump, their perceptions of Moore will be reflected onto Trump.
And the calls upon Trump to resign will escalate, even in the U.S. Senate.
So far three U.S. Senators have asked Trump to resign: Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-Vt.), Jeff Merkley, (D-Ore.), and Cory Booker, (D-N.J.). It is this observer's belief that in the next week and a half, at least four or five Democratic Party Senators will call upon the President to resign.
It is this observer's prediction that by the end of December, the overwhelming majority of Democratic Senators will have asked Trump to resign. Most likely, by the end the second week of January, GOP Senators will have started to demand Trump's immediate resignation.
Why the second week of January?
This observer's prediction that GOP Senators will have started demanding the President's resignation by the end of the second week of January is based on the following: By the end of that week, all Senators, including the GOP Senators, will have gone home for several weeks for their holiday break.
These Senators, including Susan Collins, (R-Me.), will have talked with their constituents and will have heard what is concerning them. And what their constituents will have told them is that if the GOP wants their financial and political support, that they will have to get Trump out of office now.
Furthermore, their constituents will have told them that they are very concerned that the longer Trump remains in office, that the less likely it is that the GOP will keep the Senate and the House in 2018 and keep the White House in 2020. Finally, the vacationing Senators will have heard that if they want financial backing and support for their own reelections in 2018, that they had better see to it that Trump resigns, and "the sooner the better."
A time of healing
On January 20, 2018, Trump will have been in office for one year.
This observer predicts that after the onslaught of calls upon him to resign from Democrat and Republican Senators by the end of the second week of January, that Trump will resign effective January 20, 2018. That way he can say that he was in office for one year, perhaps the only semblance of dignity that the President will be able to take with him as he returns to Trump Tower in total disgrace.
As this most likely scenario plays itself out, Mike Pence will find himself in the same position as did Gerald Ford when he succeeded to office after Nixon resigned. Ford began his short Inaugural Address by stating that "America's great national nightmare is over." Ford then followed up those words by pardoning Nixon one month later.
It is unknown if Pence will pardon Trump; but whatever he decides on that score, Pence will have to start a season of healing for this nation. He will have to bring the nation together and "bind the nation's wounds." It will be a tall order, beginning with his selection of his own Vice-President. And then he will have to reach out to Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, undocumented immigrants, African-Americans, Native Americans, women, the handicapped, and nearly every single demographic of which Trump is not a member.
How Pence goes about doing all of this is not just a political decision. It also is a moral decision. And the making or the ruination of a Presidency is in the mix.