If you’ve got a pulse and a means of accessing Netflix, chances are pretty good that you’ve watched the hit television show "Stranger Things." And, if you’re like most, you may have watched the episodes back-to-back. Yes, "Stranger Things" is binge-worthy tv. Besides the obvious, such as outstanding, relatable characters, 80’s memorabilia, great music and a pulse-pounding story-line, we can take a few hints about how to live our lives.
Genuine characters, dysfunctional families
The "Stranger Things" families are as awkward as our own, and we love it!
Let’s start with Chief Hopper, his broken marriage and the loss of his daughter. The tragedy and Hopper’s inability to cope with his pain strikes a chord with parents who have also suffered the loss of a child or grieved for a loved one lost to illness.
The Byer family, led by Joyce, a strong female, and mother of two, nervously governs the household on a slim paycheck. How many single moms are struggling to make ends meet and have to battle aliens? How many women are trying to balance a full-time job and keep their families safe? Joyce is a rock star with whom we can all relate. Let’s not even talk about her dead-beat husband.
10 ways we relate to the kids of 'Stranger Things'
- Let’s face it. Monsters bring people from diverse backgrounds together. Whether the monster is the mean VP who demands everyone kiss her feet upon entering the room to marching against the latest political villain, we’re all in it together.
- Chocolate nougat can shake off the blues and make the villain slightly kinder for a few moments. Had a bad day? Chocolate soothes the soul, regardless of skin scales.
- Everybody is an outsider sometimes. Didn’t get asked to the prom? Last one picked on the field? Child and adult alike, we’ve all fought the outsider feeling and can relate.
- Your mom, or dad, is everything. No matter how much we complain about their calls, their questions and their poor taste in footwear, we need them to love and accept us.
- Cool hair may involve Farrah Fawcett hair product. Yes, looking good takes some work, and it may include trying new hair products. We shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Pay attention to your daydreams. Your dreams shine a light on what is important. Pay attention as they may be a key to your happiness or solve deep-seeded issues.
- Give the annoying, nerdy or immature kid a chance. The most exciting people may have unique interests. Seek them out. Or, share your mad AV skills.
- Waffles aren’t just for breakfast. Ever had breakfast for dinner?
- The other side carries mysteries that need exploring. Whether it’s a new trail or one a place you haven’t visited in years. And, bring goggles or your sunglasses while you’re at it.
- Real love is incredible. Sometimes, we need to open our hearts to the one right in front of us.
Watch 'Stranger Things'
Watch Season 1 and 2 of 'Stranger Things' on Netflix.