Danielle Steel is one of the most successful romance authors in the United States. She started writing books when she was young because she realized that this was something that she really wanted to do. It didn't take her long before she was published, and she has written several books about couples falling in and out of love. She gets inspired by all kinds of things that are happening in the world, including random things in her life and events in the news.
It seems like she's a sponge when it comes to ideas as she's able to publish six books a year.
But how does Steel keep her momentum going after all these years? I remember reading some of her books back in the 80s when I was just a little girl and I was tremendously inspired by the fact that she was able to mass-produce so many books. It's something that I strive to do today as I realized how much work it is to write just one novel. Of course, practice makes perfect and Danielle has clearly had years of practice. She wrote her first novel back in the late 1970s.
Always a lot on her plate
Danielle Steel reveals that she writes six books a year, and these books are then published by her publisher.
According to Hello Giggles, she is also working on new ideas as they come to her and she reveals that she works on them in the order that they come to her. This means that she may have different storylines going at once and she may focus on one particular novel with one idea one minute, but then switch over to a second novel the following day. It can be a simple news report that changes her direction. She explains that to work this way, you need to be extremely organized.
Steel has also revealed that she works quite a bit, and she's not the kind of writer who sits down, writes for a few hours, and then goes for a walk or works out. She's not a relaxed kind of writer, which may explain why she's able to make millions of dollars based on a single book.
It comes down to hard work and dedication. She has no plans of slowing down anytime soon.
What we can learn from her success
While we may not be able to replicate her success by simply sitting down and writing all the time, there are some things that we can learn from her when it comes to ideas, analysis, and balancing several projects at once. Perhaps writers can do the same thing, and explore an idea until it is worked through enough to see if it's something worth pursuing. There are definitely some valuable lessons to take away from her hardcore work schedule.
What do you think about Danielle Steel being so hard on herself and having such a strict work schedule? Do you think this explains her success?