Several fitness devices have been released in 2017, many of which have gone on to gain significant successes. It goes to show how much consumers are taking fitness seriously, which is a boon for hardware manufacturers.
Now then, with the market overrun with fitness related gadgets, it's difficult to separate the worthy from the terrible. Worry not, however, for that's where we come in. We're going list the best fitness devices and wearables that needs to be in your life.
Withings Steel HR
If you’re looking for a smartwatch that looks better than most, then the Withings Steel HR is your best bet.
It’s a smartwatch that doesn’t look like a smartwatch. It comes off as an expensive sport's watch with smart features, and that’s completely fine.
It is a perfect device for those unwilling to purchase the Apple Watch Series 3.
JBL UA Sports Wireless Heart Rate Headphones
Ever heard of a smart headphone? JBL is one of the first companies to go down this road, and so far, it’s a winner. Bear in mind this is a headphone first, but buried deep inside is the ability for the device to track the user’s heart rate. Yes, it comes with a Heart Rate monitor, which means, it’s perfect for those who exercise on a regular basis.
Take it to the gym and have a blast listening to your favorite tracks while keeping tabs on your heart.
Myontec Mbody connected shorts
Move over smartwatch and smart headphones, and make room for the smart shorts or the connected shorts. The Myontec Mbody is an entertaining fitness entry with shorts that features a design to keep track of fitness levels. The Product is designed primarily for cyclists and triathletes and will collect muscle data among other things.
The Mbody is the first of its kind, and no doubt the world will see more in the future to come.
Under Armor Gemini 3 RE
Not everyone wants to walk around with expensive wearables, so what’s the next best thing if you want to keep up with your health? Well then, how about smart shoes from Under Armor. The company has installed a fitness tracker into the sole of the shoes, so there’s no need for a smartwatch.
One can’t be certain how well it performs since fitness trackers usually work well on the wrist. There aren’t a lot of complaints, so it’s safe to say the shoes works wonderfully at this point.
Overall, these are some of the best fitness trackers on the market. All specialized in making sure the user stays on point when seeking to live a healthy life.