President Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on his own party's Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is wrongly timed if the President’s aim is to actually fulfill his agenda on getting Health Care Bill passed and fixing taxes and infrastructure. He needs his Republican ally's support to scale through.
Congress, which is currently observing its August recess, will reconvene in September to face brutal workloads which include raising federal borrowing limits aimed at averting a possibly catastrophic default on America’s obligations and funding the government to prevent a shutdown.
Means of achieving legislative breakthrough
Bipartisan cooperation is highly needed for the legislations to succeed. That is among the legislation President Trump wants to see progress, including a revision of the tax code to reduce tax rates, a reintroduction of the health care bill to Repeal and Replace Obamacare, and an infrastructure bill. The bill to repeal and replace Obama’s Affordable Care act failed last month in the Senate after McConnell’s efforts yielded no result – an outcome President trump continues to criticize and called it “a disgrace.”
President Trump’s rhetoric this week has succeeded in creating divisions at a time when his Republican party should be working together with a common goal to get things done, not engaging in blame games and name calling.
Trump’s agenda can only see the light of the day if McConnell revisits it and woo the support of his GOP colleagues in the Senate, something the veteran congressman may feel reluctant to do with his bashing by President Trump who is working against him instead of working with him.
McConnell’s support required
All most, all the legislative goals that the President aims to achieve, be it infrastructure or tax reform, needs the active support of McConnell to scale through.
The Senate Majority Leader allies say the President’s frustration over the failure of the Senate to repeal and replace the Obama law is equally shared by McConnell. However, Political analysts say it is important that the next legislative agenda which includes tax code overhaul and a sweeping infrastructure must not fail in a similar manner; otherwise, Republicans will find it very difficult convincing voters during the 2018 midterm elections why they should continue to dominate the White House and both chambers of Congress.
Instead of working with McConnell on fixing the gray areas on the issue, like what Former Republican President George W. Bush did in 2001 when he got his massive tax overhaul passed, the White House is busying playing blame games and pointing accusing fingers on the Majority Leader.