Your magical water sign is one of fantasy and mystery stemming from your birth between February 19th to March 20th. In today’s daily Lovescope for Pisces, we’re going to talk about learning from the past.
What to expect:
Singles: Get ready for tons of accolades and attention, Pisces, because luck is on your side today. If you're taking a gamble on something, there's a strong chance it will pay off -- and maybe even a congratulatory kiss.
An old love wants to reconnect. It’s not like anyone else is knocking on your door of love today. This person’s flattery almost makes you think that it would be worth your while and maybe it is. Before you leap in with your usual exuberance for love and life, review all of the parts of the relationship, not just the fun ones. You already have history with this person, and history -- good or bad -- tends to repeat itself.
Couples: With today's planetary energy, there is no hanging back. A new relationship may appear and you will be smitten. You usually like to take your time and ease into romantic engagements, gradually feeling your way toward being emotionally close and getting used to the person.
Today, if you are already attached, then your loved one may truly surprise you. A favorable sky will give you interesting moments for your relationship. Look out for fireworks tonight if your Ascendant is Sagittarius. The stars say sex is in the air and you may even steal someone else's partner! Know what you’re getting into, Pisces!
Has your relationship with a Libra deteriorated? It’s time to cut your ties and end this unhappy relationship before it drags on for too long. Fear not, the stars will show you the way forward to happier times. If you belong to the first decade, you love strong sensations and you can experience these to the utmost in your relationship. It’s important that you think carefully before finding yourself in a turbulent relationship.
How to get through your day:
For those looking for love: You are likely to enjoy a sacred and special feeling of love today that will help you enter a new magical world and discover new emotions which will bring excitement into your life. You will also realize that there is a sense of wonder that can be overwhelming when you are in love for the first time.
For those already in a relationship: Show your sweetie that you’re all ears right now and avoid spacing out when it comes to their needs. Sure, they're used to your occasional absent-mindedness, but that makes your heightened awareness and concentration on them even better.
Thank you so much for checking out your daily Lovescope for Pisces for today. Come back tomorrow for more celestial insight, and enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.