Gifted Astrologer Megan Wilson greets you with warmest wishes today as she grants you insight into what you can expect in today’s daily horoscope for Sagittarius. Let’s see what’s in store:
What to expect
Thanks to a mixed bag of heavenly influences, August is turning out to be quite interesting so far. On the one hand, you're feeling especially close to an elder or authority figure.
On the other, you're not quite sure who to trust -- or if you can trust anyone at all. Don't fall into that trap. The stars are guiding you and will always send someone to your aid and to confide in. Thankfully, you know who your someone is today so get in touch and strike up a conversation.
Today’s planetary energies are working hard behind the scenes to tangle up matters of the heart--your heart. Things regarding love and romance are bound to be confusing may be confusing today but try not to get too discouraged by whatever transpires as a result of this energy. This, too, shall pass, and things will become clear again.
Right now just sit back and take things with a grain of salt.
For those wishing to be a little bit more intimate today, the stars suggest that it’s wise to always keep the flames of love burning and a little jealousy to keeps things hot. Just be careful that if you choose to employ this mode, that you don’t go too far. Love tends to make many people crazy, and the last thing you need is a psycho sweetie. If you have an ascendant in Libra, expect an exciting evening with a bisexual Scorpio.
You definitely need a breather to get you back on track and away from life’s stresses. The Stars suggest you devote some time to open air activities or enrolling on a yoga course. Try even fitting a nap in if you have the time.
When you’re able to clear your head a bit, you'll battle with the idea of spending some quiet time at home or accepting your friends' invitation. The stars favor the second option.
How to get through your day
Options abound today wherever you look, and those you favor are especially ripe for the picking. Keep those eyes wide open and that confident smile up and running, because you're definitely way ahead of the game. When it comes to an old and sticky situation, not only are your ideas innovative and intriguing, but they're exactly what the doctor ordered. Many high powered career opportunities are headed your way so take them for a test drive and make sure to cultivate important contacts. They will no doubt, come in quite handy in the future.
Many heartfelt thanks for checking out your daily horoscope for Sagittarius. Be sure to share and come back tomorrow to read what Astrologer Megan Wilson has gleaned from the stars just for you! Have an enjoyable Tuesday!