Pleasant Saturday to you dear Leo! The stars have spoken, and Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson is here to tell you exactly what they said about your upcoming day. Let’s now take a look at your daily horoscope for Leo:.
What to expect
You’re in the mood to shop around for a new job Leo, so spruce up your resume today and go hunting. There are scores of others looking at the same work opportunities that you are but don’t despair.
You have a unique skill set and personality to go along with it, so be confident in your abilities and project that to your potential employers. The chances are excellent you'll find exactly what you want and more. So instead of just taking what you're offered, feel free to do some serious negotiating over salary and benefits.
Just when someone thought you were totally in agreement with their plans, you decide to back out. He/she is completely taken aback by your total honesty and realizes that they can’t get you to bend to their will anymore. You’ve learned a lot over the year Leo, and you're finally through with following other people's agendas just because it's safe.
Now, you're ready to target new goals for yourself. Trust these feelings and break out of old ruts, whether they're emotional, professional or personal.
This could be a very lively evening Leo. The stars suggest going to a disco and dancing to your heart's content. For those in a relationship, stop ignoring the romantic aspects. The last thing you need is for your loved one to feel neglected and think of straying. This evening, conquer him/her with an extra dose of tenderness. For those who just met someone new, the stars say there is a definite attraction between you two, but love is a whole other story. Just enjoy it right now for what it is.
You’ve accomplished a lot Leo, and now, you’re up for another challenge.
Today, you're probably looking for new objectives to achieve in your career and personal life, and you’ll get the opportunity to share some dynamic ideas with new people. These new friendships could be very productive regarding personal fulfillment so if you can, try to set up regular meetings with them. This could be your new group for brainstorming.
How to get through your day
The color maroon should be worn today for positive vibrations and good luck Leo. You’re in a great frame of mind and may experience some kind of domestic bliss on the home front. If you have been facing any kind of trouble or fights at home, these are being laid to rest. Try to keep things cordial from now on and when you see the warning signs popping up, address them immediately.
Overall, all aspects regarding family and work are good.
That’s it for Saturday’s daily horoscope for Leo. Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson wishes you a fabulous day and looks forward to you using the insight you’ve gained here today for a happier, more focused life. See you soon!.