Welcome to the weekend, Aries. If you’re not happy being single, you won’t be happy being in a relationship. Get your own life first. Love it and then share it. Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson is ready and waiting with today’s daily horoscope for Aries so let’s see what she has in store.

What to expect

Crimson red is your lucky color for today Aries, and that’s the color of the fire rushing through your soul right now for this new person.

The stars warn you, however, that this particular heartthrob might already have someone! Hmm...we know what you’re thinking Aries: if he/she is acting so interested in me, then they couldn’t possibly be happy in their current relationship. We beg to differ. Many 'happy' people enjoy flirting with others and having one night stands simply because they can and because it poses a thrilling challenge. It seems that this may be your case, and unfortunately, you’re making it way too easy for them. Back off Aries before you get burnt with your own fire.

Not everything can be decided on a whim Aries. Some things actually require lots of thought and detailed strategic planning.

Today, you’re coupled with someone for an unusually constructive and artistic collaboration. You think you know best and if you do ask for advice from someone, you usually never take it. It may surprise you to know there are people out there from whose experiences you could learn a lot. So today, at the stars’ insistence, observe how someone else does something: from conception to planning, to design and execution. Lots of different steps there huh Aries? Today, admire, appreciate and adopt.

A new prospect absolutely fascinates you Aries and has you thinking of changing your last name. He/she is so very attentive and hangs onto your every word. They paid attention and remembered exactly how you love your coffee from your last meeting with them.

They’ve even mentioned how, more than anything, they could see themselves happily settled with you! Wait a minute. Haven’t you only know this person for less than two weeks?! The stars are seriously urging you, dear Aries, to hold up on the wedding bells. Your impulsive nature has gotten you into lots of trouble before because you failed to take your time to evaluate your situation. Half of the time you think it’s your heart speaking, but your heart needs to stop being so excited about everything. This person seems a little too good to be true so take your time to examine whether this could work, or, they’re really just playing you for a fool.

How to get through your day

You’re thinking about getting something new but you’re not too sure what exactly you want: shoes, clothes, a car or a pet giraffe maybe?

It’s the weekend admittedly, and you have had a long week but don’t overdo it right now. Treat yourself to something within your budget and be content until next time. Be content!

We hope you’ve enjoyed your daily horoscope for Aries and we look forward to seeing you on Monday. Please share your reading with friends and family on social media and have a blast for the rest of the day.