Wondering if it’s time to take more risks with your money? Do you need to break away to finally gain some perspective? In today’s daily FinanceScope for Capricorn, we will interpret what the stars want to tell you about your financial future and the changes needed in your life. Read on to find out more.

What to expect

You just can't detach from bad news. There are other things out there worth thinking about, but you will never remember them unless you break away.

Find some well-connected friends who can help.

Maybe you could be a little more daring with your savings. If you manage to control your stress levels, the Stock Exchange could treat you to a nice sum of money...but be careful that you don't go too far. Some advice for the hyperactive members of the first decade: the stars suggest a relaxing vacation. Will you manage to put your crazy mania for trading on hold? I'm afraid not.

If you have been renting your home for some time now, then today is a day to starting looking at the real estate ads about what homes would be available to you if you were to buy.

Today it is indicated that your efforts in this manner would pay off in the long run, so don't be shy about pulling out the paper and having a look!

How to get through your day

You have spent too much time dwelling on the negative. It is up to you to pull yourself out of this and move on. It may be time to plan a vacation or find a change of scene. Being in the same place is not keeping your mind from going around in circles. Stay away from people who make you feel depressed right now. You have your own worries and right now you are not up to taking on the problems of others. Laughter is the quickest mood booster, so you should definitely make an effort to be around light-hearted people today, rather than keeping your own company.

Tackling the essentials and looking at what you need to put in place before moving ahead is important, but make sure to schedule a period to decompress or you will find that you become more and more overwhelmed as time passes.

Your friends are closer than you realize and they will be happy to offer help if you only let on that you need it. Your strong image makes others respect you but you need to tap into your vulnerabilities too if you truly want to let people in. Don’t be afraid to accept what is freely offered.

That’s it for today’s daily FinanceScope for Capricorn. If you’ve enjoyed this reading, be sure to check out your horoscope for tomorrow. Have a great day!