In today’s daily Chinese Horoscope for Rat, let’s talk about your determination and ability to be grounded in your roots. The Rat sign in Chinese astrology is associated with people who are often flexible while being cautious. The Rat makes a plan for life and progressively goes towards it. The Rat is also good at evaluating the good and bad of many situations and people.

What to expect

A chance encounter may allow you to meet someone who wants to change your vantage point-you should allow them to try.

Prepare yourself and your loved ones for a dramatic change. While it may be change for the better it could be dramatic and cause some unfortunate distress. Friendships that were built on a solid foundation will help your through any difficult times that you are facing. You believe that being kind is simply the right thing to do because you are genuinely a good person.

How to get through your day

To get through your day today, try giving yourself to a creative project.

You should shop for supplies in a place that makes you smile. The challenges that you face may cause you much distress and despair. Don't overreact to these but instead focus on what you have gained.

Unfortunately, you may suffer some ailments as it refers to digestion. Eat the rights food that won’t do you any harm- a glass of water after every meal should help sort this situation out.

Love & Relationships: While others may find that you are too superficial, your sweet heart knows the depth of your love and soul. You may feel the need to set the record straight- however this may not bode well for your current circumstances. Your family and love ones may need your attention at this time, don't forget them they have always stood at your side.

Career: Don't underestimate your capabilities. Your drive and enthusiasm for getting the job done propels many of your co-workers forward. Even your loudest nay-sayer today could be looking to you for a sense of purpose and encouragement. While it is easy to give up, it's incredibly hard to get the job done and to keep on going- show the world what you are made of.

Do you want some advice for today? Do not waste time. Do not look back on your life without a genuine sense of satisfaction-be here, dream here, live life.

That’s it for today’s daily Chinese Horoscope for Rat. Hope you’ve enjoyed this reading and gained some priceless insight, and be sure to look for your horoscope for tomorrow.