While Republicans admit that Donald Trump as president is a "bull in a china shop," they also believe that his presidency is a good enough placeholder for Republicans to be able to further their agendas in Congress. Last Tuesday, after months of "infighting" among Republicans, the House unveiled their budget resolution document, which some refer to as a "wish list" of reforms that Republicans have been wanting to work on for years under the previous Democratic administration.

Rep. Diane Black leading way for spending cuts

This wish list is what House budget committee Chairwoman, Diane Black, has called "Building a Better America." In order to balance the federal budget within ten years, the Freedom Caucus -- which is made up of the most conservative lawmakers in the Congress -- had reportedly pressured House Speaker Paul Ryan to add billions of dollars worth of spending cuts into the bill.

Much of this spending would reportedly target financial regulations -- which the administration has made no secret of rolling back, getting rid of those priorities that are left over from the former Obama Administration and reel in social welfare programs.

Diane Black wrote and published an op-ed with USA Today last week about the Republican budget proposal, saying that it was their plan for action. In the article, she made no secret of finally being able to act under a Congress and a White House that was in the control of the Republican Party. She said they would invest in the military, reduce the burden of regulations on small businesses, and reform the tax code. All of these are certainly of significant importance to the Trump administration, which submitted budget proposals this year that would pour more money into the military.

Obama still scapegoat for 'Trumpublicans'

Trump has also promised that for every regulation, he would roll back two and he has not hesitated to sign executive orders that would do just that. As for tax reform, President Trump has vowed to tackle that issue as well. However, during a press briefing around his first 100 days mark, the White House revealed their tax plan on one sheet of paper with bullet points that was mocked by the press and by legislative experts.

Their takeaway from that unveiling was that the administration's tax plan left more questions than it provided answers.

Others criticized President Trump for having the gall to try to reform the tax system and yet not revealing his own tax returns when he ran for President. In her article, Diane Black said that it was irresponsible to continue the status quo while attacking the Obama administration for too much spending.

She also revealed the conservative philosophy of spending cuts, which is that the American people needed to live within their means. Here is an interview with Diane Black about the budget on Fox Business.