Last year when candidate Donald Trump was slammed for lewd conduct that was captured on video from years before, he made another video where he was supposed to apologize. In the video, Trump's apology seemed practically forced and almost non-existent as he used it as a way to attack his campaign rival, Hillary Clinton. Throughout his presidency, there has been little indication that he would make any apologies for the endless scandals that have come out of the White House or even apologize for his failure to get anything done.

This was also clear on Tuesday when the effort to replace and even repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) otherwise known as Obamacare, failed two days in a row.

Trump blaming everyone else for GOP failure

President Trump said at the White House that he and Republicans were not going to own the failure of passing the bill earlier in the week. He said that for years Republicans have been talking about getting rid of the ACA and that he was disappointed that they hadn't. The President suggested that Republicans should just let the ACA fail and then Democrats would come running to them asking for help to fix it.

In an interview with PBS Newshour, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said on Tuesday after the clean repeal-only bill had failed that if President Trump wanted to blame him for the GOP's failure then he would gladly accept it. Throughout the entire presidency so far, President Trump has continued to blame everyone -- including Democrats -- rather than himself over his repeated failures.

During the failure of both bills, the President gave more of his reasons for why they wanted to keep getting rid of Obamacare saying that premiums had been increasing in some states by 200 percent. Due to the fact that much of what Trump has said has stressed the limits of fact-checking services, his claim is as unreliable as the Republican's claim that the current ACA law is failing.

During the Mark Shields and David Brooks segment on the same Newshour program on July 14, Brooks said that the GOP's claim that the current health care law was failing was not necessarily true.

Trump sends GOP to uncertainty, but won't take blame

Brooks suggested that the Republican Party's legislative efforts to sabotage the law would certainly make the ACA fail. While it's been reported that while some major insurance providers had been leaving the market, that there were also just as many, if not more, that were signing up, even renewing for 2018 and some were even expanding before a recent deadline. Despite the brutal failures of Republican legislation over the past several months, Republicans have said that they will continue to try and hold a vote for repeal of the 2015 bill next week.

They were even more energized on Wednesday when the President told Senate Republican leadership to keep trying to repeal and/or replace Obamacare, which he surprisingly will still not own if it fails, despite his influence.