During a meeting with Senate Republicans at the White House last Wednesday, President Trump told them that he was "ready to act" and that he was "sitting in that office" with a pen in hand claiming that they've never had that before. In recent weeks, Trump has continued to say that he was ready to sign any bill sent to him that would reform health care whether it was to replace or repeal.

During Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's statement on the Senate floor last week, he too said that President Trump was ready to sign their bill.

Proof that Trump measures success against self-created reality

In the first place, even though Donald Trump was elected as the next president, he did not win the popular vote which in that sense already makes him unpopular. Generally, the debate no longer makes any difference as he is already the president of the United States. But it is enough of an issue for him as he even started to attack the view that he was not popular enough to win on those grounds.

Evidence of this lies with him making an issue out of the number of people who showed up at his inauguration rally. The comparison was in contrast to the number of people that attended the last two inaugurations for former President Obama.

Then he accused the electoral process of being corrupt by claiming that millions of illegal immigrants had been bussed in to vote against him. Rhetoric is one thing but the president followed it with action by putting together a voting commission that would investigate voter fraud. Overall, this suggests that the majority of the American people shudder to think that Donald Trump has any presidential authority and are disgusted when he brags about his power, such as when he said that he was ready to act with pen in hand.

Would rather win than serve the American people

Clearly, his claim that Senators have never had someone sitting in the Oval Office with a pen in hand simply isn't true as there have been 44 other presidents before him who have done the same thing. Of course it's also likely that he was specifically referring to Senate Republicans who did not have a president from their party who was ready to pass a Republican-led bill. But Trump has already has built up capital with the public for twisting the truth and even creating his own reality.

More than once, over the past several months, President Trump has said that he's accomplished more in the first hundred days than any other administration in history.

He made this claim when he reached the first hundred days of his presidency and again during a "kiss the ring" session with cabinet members. Within the context of passing health care reform, there is still no indication that the President knows or even cares that Americans have health care coverage. The only view that he has is that the party he leads wins and that he too wins no matter how devastating all of that "winning" is to American people.