In a Blasting News article about Republicans returning to their districts to face their constituents last week, Rep. Tom MacArthur is referred to as the Republican who wrote an amendment that helped get the American health care Act (AHCA) off of the House of Representatives floor and over to the Senate.
When asked about going back to his district to face his constituents at a town hall, he said that he would tell them how they shouldn't listen to the media and fear mongers as they were not telling them the truth about the bill they just passed.
MacArthur combats own voters
If Tom MacArthur is sure that his constituents were not being told the truth, then one can only assume that he knows the information the media is giving them in order for him to draw that conclusion. But since this isn't the case, it's more likely that he's simply taken the Donald Trump example of attacking the media, generalize what media outlets report as misinformation in order to blame them for "misleading" the voters.
But the media has been thorough in its evaluation of the AHCA by holding discussions with pundits, experts and have therefore covered every aspect of the bill in order to arm people with the knowledge to understand it. And these town halls have given these constituents the ability to ask their representatives questions thanks to that knowledge.
A normal back-and-forth of this process can already be seen on programs such as Meet The Press where the Director of Health and Human Services was been forced to respond and could do nothing but put a positive spin on the bill.
Here is a statement Tom MacArthur made about the town hall on Facebook.
While MacArthur says that his constituents are misinformed; with the media's rigorous process of asking these questions -- as was the case with Tom Price -- it's revealed a pattern that all Republicans have which is that they are as unsure about the bill's success as anyone else and can only try to talk about all the wonderful things it will do, without knowing how drastically the bill is going to change by the time the Senate is done with is.
This is very much in the same style that President Trump talks things up.
Anti-government 'reasoning'
The Republican governor of Ohio, John Kasich, was on Real Time with Bill Maher over a week ago where he talked about breaking party lines to support a government managed Health Care system, or rather, the ACA which has already been active in its seventh year saying that if it covered more people than he's fine with it.
But Republicans continue to stand their ground that the ACA a.k.a. Obamacare "isn't working" and that it should be repealed rather than fixed.
A closer look at the responses from Republicans about why they believe Obamacare is failing reveals that their reasoning isn't that it's not working but because they have an ideology that says the government should not give people healthcare. And so even if it works as Kasich is willing to accept, Republicans will destroy it with an ideology that has prevailed through multiple failures over several years no matter what and in the end, Republicans will continue to pursue this under a Trump administration until they succeed.