Puerto Ricans' presence have been noticed in every theme: sports, the statehood or independence problem, culture, immigration and others. But this time is different. The Puerto Rican people are standing up and fighting back to defeat the Oversight Board’s implementations. Puerto Ricans are currently having a strike to demand their human rights: public education, health plans, and others.
The march started in front of the Department of Labor and Human Resources and moved towards the entrance of the offices of the Oversight Board in Milla de Oro, Hato Rey.
Claims of the people
This strike was organized by the people of Puerto Rico, who are filled with indignation and anger because of the present and future measures of austerity established by the Oversight Board. In the citizens' demand is included a moratorium, before and after the audit, the audit of the debt of 73 billion dollars (part of it is suspected to be unconstitutional), for the Circular Letter of Gender Perspective to be established again, etc.
The audit must be transparent, and done by the Debt Audit Commission that was eliminated before. The Circular Letter of Gender Perspective is a document establishing equality inside a classroom in every school of Puerto Rico. Also, more than 300 public schools will be closed and even less kids or teenagers will be able to study because they don't have the transportation to go to another school.
March in Manhattan
The manifestation celebrated in New York counted with the support of the A Call to Action on Puerto Rico group. This group, like many citizens in the island, opposed to the Oversight Board's measures. They said the Oversight Board "responds directly to the capitalists of Wall Street, creators of the scheme of robbery through the creation of an unpayable and inmoral debt".
In the manifestation, the protestors shouted at unison "Puerto Rico se respeta" which means "Respect Puerto Rico". A live video broadcasted by Luis Enrique Rivera Cuyar, who was present at the manifestation, is presented below.
Puerto Ricans are much more united than they are with the happiness over the accomplishments of our team in every sport. Puerto Ricans are now tired of the abuse done by the Oversight Board and past managements. We will not kneel to the abuses done by the government, not anymore. Puerto Rico is now standing up to defend their education, health plans, retirement plans and every single human right that is being taken away.