Cancers in the house! In today's daily horoscope for Cancer, we’re going to talk about getting active. Represented by the Crab, natives of this sign are born between June 21 and July 22.

What to expect

Today, Cancer, you will receive visions of what can be -- when you look at a child, you'll get a glimpse of the talented adult they might grow up to become. When you look at an empty space of land, you'll see the elaborate mansion that could stand there some day.

Today, you won't even consider doing anything that will make you feel drained or tired. Tonight, your beloved will make you an offer, and it's a good idea to show him or her your enthusiasm, otherwise, you risk ruining everything. Guess what, Cancer -- if you have a rising sign in Taurus, you will be more attractive than ever.

You are looking great, and people are responding to you in a warm and pleasant manner. Just watch -- the right opportunity will come, and you will have the chance to show all your seductive weapons and be able to win over someone who interests you the most.

Where work/life balance has been a major issue this year.

Find a workable balance between your home and professional lives. Be advised that there is a sense of urgency on the communication front. Tomorrow, the North Node will leave your communication sector, so this last full day is to ensure that everything is all well and good in the communication front.

Keep your eyes and ears open today, Cancer, because you may receive some important information on how to increase your income. It's bound to happen, and this is fantastic news!

How to get through your day

To get through you day, Cancer, apply your most positive way of thinking about everything you see. Imagine things the way you want them to be, and you will give the universe some hints to go on. Bask in the glow of all the goodwill surrounding you, because it won't last forever!

Since the Moon is in Libra, it is best to avoid any argument or quarrel with your boss or your seniors at work. This is a positive time regarding growth in your career. You may have a tendency to be either slightly passive or slightly aggressive sometimes, but today, you should identify how to be assertive instead. In the long run, this will work for out in your favor. Keep cool and calm, and let the day just pass.

Don't forget to take a little time to relax and spend some time on your body, as you've been ignoring it lately.

That’s it for today’s daily horoscope. Thanks for reading and have a great day!