Donald Trump was never built for the presidency and 100-days in, he revealed in a Reuters interview that he still isn't. In the interview, he said that the presidency is much more work than he had initially thought. He said that he liked his life beforehand and that being president is very much like being in a cocoon. This would be the third time that he's expressed his surprise as to how difficult certain parts of his new job were.
The first time was when he was "trying" to repeal the Obamacare bill, where he said that no one knew it would be so complicated.
On the contrary, everyone knew. Even those who are as unqualified or even less qualified than Donald Trump knew. The second time was when he was hosting Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago after he listened to the Chinese president tell him about North Korea for 10 minutes he "realized it's not so easy." There's a reason why nearly every administration hasn't "solved" the problem with North Korea, but it took Trump to realize it was true.
Minimal difficulty is still difficult
His candid moment in his interview about the difficulty of the job could be seen by many as being false for the fact that he often flies off to his Mar-a-Lago resort every weekend and soon, to New Jersey for the summer. But the weight of the presidency must certainly be present in that even with his military bluster where he's tried to flex American muscle against its adversaries, he still has to maintain the results of that bluster and the inflammation of potential conflicts he's caused throughout the Middle East, and now in the Korean Peninsula.
This could explain why his removal of Steve Bannon could have been the most serious move of his administration, during his first 100-days in order to maintain and manage something he cares for the most, military power. A more capable H.R. McMaster can run the National Security Council with little supervision and more efficiently than a nationalist, such as Bannon, who needs to be nurtured through every problem.
Proof that military might is all he thinks the presidency is about is in his budget proposal to take money away from humanitarian, human welfare programs and other priorities he doesn't value, to put them into building up the military.
At his own pace
President Trump has considered making the White House a place where he can experiment with people's lives by trying to jam his spontaneous "agenda" through with little care for how it will impact other people's lives.
Since his first day, he has signed executive orders, perhaps believing that it was all he had to do. Signing executive orders and showing them off to a bunch of cameras while an entourage surrounds him is certainly fitting for a person who likes to show off, and might give that person a false sense of power. He would later find out that there was a process he needed to follow when courts began to oppose him.
That he was surprised there would be any opposition shows that he thought his position as president was all the power he needed. With President Trump and his aides being incredibly sensitive about the negative press, it's quite obvious that they want to make themselves feel good about something, and that he has the power of the presidency should be enough to make him feel good about what he does or doesn't do. He's only continued in this fashion into his 100th day, and, as Blasting News said in an op-ed, accomplished little more than upsetting people throughout the nation and around the world.