In breaking news from Capitol Hill, Steve Bannon has been removed from his position as Chief White House strategist. On Wednesday, President Trump reorganized his National Security Council, and Steve Bannon is out. Tom Berserk, Homeland Security Council Advisor, was demoted. National Security adviser H.R. McMaster had full authority over the HSC, and to delegate authority to Berserk as he saw fit. A White House spokesperson said that with McMaster in charge, Bannon was no longer needed.
What Steven Bannon represented
Many Americans were shocked when Steve Bannon gained such a prominent role in the Trump administration.
This signaled to some that a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) mentality was going to rule the nation. Bannon has been quoted as saying that he believed morals in America declined when people began living here that did not express Judeo/Christian values. His connection to Breitbart gave him a reputation of being a racist and white nationalist. Senator Elizabeth Warren once referred to Bannon as a white supremacist.
When president Trump had Bannon so near and dear, it was considered by a number of people to be an endorsement from the POTUS, that he was in agreement with Bannon's extreme views. An official from Capitol Hill indicated that Bannon was brought on to monitor Michael Flynn, the president's first National Security Adviser.
A segment of America believed that the former Breitbart chairman was actually the mastermind behind many of President Trump's decisions. NBC News said Bannon was only on board to oversee the transition between Susan Rice and Michael Flynn, and now the mission is complete.
Bannon's own words
In 2013, Bannon made the following statement to a reporter from the Daily Beast: "I'm a Leninist, Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that's my goal too.
I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today's establishment." It was not yet stated if Steve Bannon would continue on in any White House role, or if he would be leaving Capitol Hill.