Colorado and Washington State already allow recreational Marijuana to be sold legally to adults under a highly regulated system. More states allow medicinal marijuana and are considering allowing pot to be sold for other purposes. Those the possession and sale of marijuana is still federal crimes, the Obama administration largely did not enforce such laws in states that allowed it.
That policy may change if Attorney General Jeff Sessions has his way. The Washington Examiner notes that the Justice Department has marijuana law enforcement on its slate of policy reviews.
Sessions have been outspoken against marijuana use for some time as a United States senator. But suddenly directing federal resources toward a pot crackdown contains within it the potential of a train wreck. States, where pot has become legal, have already started to enjoy the tax revenue its legal sale has generated. People who live in those states have gotten used to buying the buzz that refreshes without fear of the law.
To be sure, some problems have arisen, such as driving while stoned, but science and law enforcement are well on their way toward dealing with them.
Enlightened conservatives, while they disapprove of pot use, have taken a federalist perspective toward the issue. They leave it up to the states to determine whether or not they should allow legal marijuana and how it should be regulated and taxed. The federal government should focus its attention on more serious crimes, such as the sale and distribution of more dangerous drugs, terrorism, and political corruption.
If Sessions decides on a marijuana crackdown, he will have set up a clash between federal and local law enforcement that will make the controversy over sanctuary cities seem minor by comparison.
The case against illegal immigration is clear. The argument for a marijuana crackdown is very much less so. Local law enforcement in states that allow for legal marijuana will likely not cooperate with the feds in any kind of enforcement surge.
Sessions would be well advised to let this poison cup pass from his lips and avoid alienating millions of registered voters who will be outraged at suddenly being subject to arrest for toking.