In a recent article published by Blasting News, it pointed to the fact that the national security advisor who replaced Gen. Michael Flynn, Lt. Gen. HR McMaster, had taken back control of the National Security Council and restored it to its proper function. The article explained how McMaster was much more qualified to be in the council and had been trying to push the unqualified people who held seats there, out.

Steven Bannon – President Trump's Chief Strategist – was one of them and even said himself that McMaster had “operationalized” the council after he had been shown the door.

Another one of Trump's many controversial aides is Sebastian Gorka, who has the President's ear as a senior White House foreign policy official a.k.a Deputy Assistant to the President, for a newly formed group that is said to parallel the N.S.C called the Strategic Initiatives Group, and a member of the same national security council. While holding many speaking positions over the years, his relationship is with Bannon which started with his involvement with the controversial online media outlet Breitbart News where he was an editor for National Security Affairs.

And while he has done many presentations with SOCOM and other organizations, he is considered a fringe figure in academic and policy-making circles, which was explained in an article by Business Insider titled: “Sebastian Gorka, Trump's combative new national security aide, is widely disdained within his own field.”

Gorka is academically unprepared

The idea that Sebastian Gorka is unprepared, unqualified and perhaps even a con-man is described at least twice. The first in the Business Insider by two counter-terrorism and national security experts Mia Bloom who is a professor at Georgia State University and Clint Watts who is with the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Gorka, Watts, and Bloom had been invited to speak at a Defense Intelligence Agency conference where they said that Gorka was unprepared as he refused to answer questions that had been sent to all of them weeks in advance.

His unpreparedness has also been reported in a more recent article by the Guardian where it said that he wanted to be considered as the Presidential envoy to Libya, where he reportedly “partitioned” the country on a napkin, suggesting he didn't know anything about the actual specifics of the partition, or give a good enough reason for it other than that it was based on an old map of when it once was partitioned.

Watts and Bloom said that Gorka acted as if he didn't know they were going to be asked questions, that he did a lot of grandstanding and also tried to use the conference as a platform to sell his book. Watts said that it looked rather low-class when he was trying to sell copies to the audience.

Many people speaking to Business Insider about Gorka say that everything he presents are negative views and that he has “contributed anything to the body of knowledge which informs understanding of threats posed by the Salafi-jihadist groups of interest to him,” according to Michael S. Smith who is a terrorism analyst and advises members of Congress and the White House. The article also goes into details of Gorka's combative response with people like Smith and Bloom over statements made on Twitter.

Connections to Nazi organizations

A Hungarian ruler named Miklos Horthy initially founded the group Vitzei Rend in 1920 which allied with the Nazi government and was listed as being under their direction by the State Department during the war.

NBC News traveled to Budapest to look into the group's connection with Gorka since its been reported that he's a member of the group which he has denied. While traveling, they spoke with a spokesman for the group (Andras Horvath) who denied that Vitezi Rend is anti-semitic but did confirm that there are no Jewish members in their group. A more modernized faction of the group said that they weren't fascists or radical and are more associated with Christian-conservative values, and have fought for Hungarian communities and the nation's interests. It would seem that because Sebastian Gorka wore a medal that represents the group during Donald Trump's inauguration, he's either become more controversial or even glorified. With his inclusion in the Trump administration, its still guarantees that the administration's views of the world will remain on the fringe, further influenced by an unqualified Gorka.