terror threats have forced the imposition of a ban on carrying of Electronic Devices by passengers who are going to the United States. This would apply to those who are traveling from eight Middle Eastern and North African countries. The ban was under consideration when the US government came to know of a terror threat several weeks ago and, is now being implemented.
The Independent reports that the ban would be applicable to nonstop flights headed for the United States from 10 airports in eight countries which are believed to include Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
The full details have yet to be announced but American carriers are exempt from the purview of the ban. Details of the new rules are expected to be released at a later date.
The broad outline
The ban will affect 12 airlines and will not be applicable to mobile phones and approved medical devices. These can be carried in the cabin but other electronic devices like laptops, cameras, tablets, DVD players, and games have to go as checked-in luggage.
An analysis of flight schedules from the Middle East and North Africa has identified a dozen non-American airlines from the region that fly to the US. The specific reasons for the imposition of the ban are not known and US officials are tight lipped. This is understandable because of terror threats.
Terrorists can strike at places where one least expects and, airlines are vulnerable – this has been seen in the past.
Royal Jordanian Airlines has clarified that exemption is there for medical devices and, all other items would have to go as checked-in luggage. It has added that the ban is based on instructions from the concerned U.S.
departments and will apply to passengers who are departing for the United States.
The effect of this ban
It is obvious that the Trump administration is determined to ensure an America that will not be cowed down by terror threats. It has already tried to ban entry of people from seven Muslim dominated countries. Now, it has banned carrying specific electronic devices as cabin baggage on flights that originate in the Middle East and North African countries. Implementing such precautionary measures would go a long way to ensure a safe America, but it should not alienate the people.