It's hard to ignore how important social media has become in today's world. Millennials tend to use Facebook to receive all of their news. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. And Snapchat is used by almost all of the younger generation every single day. These are trends that companies can and should be taking advantage of when planning their business strategies.

Why Generic Promotion Fails.

Anybody who tries to appeal to everybody will wind up appealing to nobody. The message will simply not be compelling enough for someone to choose to go after a product. Imagine trying to sell meat to vegetarians. It's not worth the money or the time to get advertisements in front of people who definitely won't be giving your company any money. And that's why companies need to stop choosing to appeal to as many people as possible and instead choose target audiences that will interact and engage with the content that you produce.

How Social Media Promotion Should Work.

The first step in a successful targeted social media campaign is the identification of the Target Audience.

For me, that audience is fans of the Buffalo Bills. The next step is to produce content that I believe will be engaging for that audience. From there, a promotion follows. This promotion can be anything from a paid Facebook advertisement to a post in a Facebook fan group. Either way, Bills fans are getting a piece of content that is directly relevant to them. In a company, the outcomes are the same. The product that is being sold will likely fit a target audience better than a generic one.

What Are Companies Waiting For?

Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all offer companies wonderful advertising platforms for companies. Now the key is for those businesses to strategize, plan, and adopt a targeted social media strategy. When enacted successfully, that strategy should help employees create relevant content, increase engagement among customers, and increase the bottom line of the company.