The race for Pennsylvania’s special election for their 18th CongressionalDistrict was held on Tuesday (Mar. 13) and carried all the intensity of a five-star suspense movie. Both candidates, Conor Lamb (D) and Rick Saccone (R), went head to head with percentages which were traded off throughout the night, sometimes by one point.
Voting polls cranked out totals as fast as they could, and it still came down to the wire. It appeared everything was on the line for both Lamb and Saccone.
Much of America watched the televised poll reporting and waited for Pennsylvania to declare an elect for the US House of Representative’s 18th district.
When the polls closed and over 98% of the votes were counted, Lamb remained the front-runner by mere one-tenths of points. However, there were a few thousand absentees and provisi
Who would have thought that the excitement would continue into the next morning with the candidates’ fate being decided by absentee ballots?
Conor did not wait for final results
Into the early morning hours of Wednesday (Mar. 14), with less than 600 votes separating the winner from the loser, Lamb took the podium at his campaign headquarters and delivered a powerful victory speech even though he had not officially been declared the winner.
Lamb and his supporters seized the moment, and momentum of the night, to bask in the energies of a job well done.
All are welcomed the notion of upset victory against his opponent, Rick.
As polling place wrapped up for the evening with 99% of votes reported, it was statistically projected that Conor Lamb (D) would reign victorious. Later that afternoon, the New York Times and a few other news outlets declared Lamb, the winner of the nerve-fraying race.
However, CNN did not and is awaiting official word.
It's anticipated that Saccone will challenge an officially-declared Lamb win, and both will ask for a recount. This would be smart considering they were two-tenths of a percentage apart at the end of election night with no one declared the victor.
A different and refreshing campaign
In his celebration speech, Conor the former Marine said he'd accept the mission of taking on and doing the job of serving as Congressman.
He eloquently spoke of support of universal and social service programs like Medicare and America standing together.
Lamb, spoke of how common ground was important and served as a large part of his belief and campaign message. The possible new elect told the crowd that regardless of our party or individualities, each of us is an American. The crowd answered with applause and shouts of jubilation.
Some may recall that Conor Lamb (D) did not campaign against Trump, but spoke for the people of his district--and likely, for many across the nation. He acknowledged the pain of America [VIDEO] and how people are “tired of the shouting and fighting in the politics.”
Lamb continued by emphasizing the importance and seriousness of the Congress’s job and added “Their job is to attack the problem, not each other.
People want to be heard and want honest solutions.”All nodded and shouted in agreement, as they pumped their lamb cut-out campaign posters in the air.
The difference between Lamb and Saccone
Left-wing critics would say Conor Lamb (D) sounds more like a Republican than a Democrat. He is a candidate who supports the 2nd amendment, supports pro-choice but personally supports pro-life; he represents union workers, is not a Pelosi fan, and supports a ban on assault rifles.
Conor worked a grassroots campaign and visited and talked to residents of his district. This was not the case for Saccone (R).
Rick Saccone (R) had previously admonished people for hating Trump and said America was against God. On Saturday (Mar.
10), Donald Trump traveled to Pennsylvania to campaign for Saccone in a state where he won by 20 points over Hillary Clinton (D) in 2016.
At the rally, Trump told rally-goers that they should vote for Saccone (R) because he was a good guy and because he liked him. The other 70 plus minute speech was about his favorite topic--himself. He did sprinkle a few insults about his real and perceived nemeses. The POTUS also hushed the crowd’s boos about his new best friend [VIDEO] Kim Jong-un; he went on to tell them that we, America, have to be very nice to Kim.
Surf’s up! The blue wave is coming
The in-fighting and myriad of daily tweets are emotionally and mentally fatiguing. No one knows what the current POTUS will do from day to day or whom he will fire.
One does not have to belong to any particular party to see the train coming down the track.
Wednesday (Mar. 14) afternoon, CNN’s Manu Raju reported that Paul Ryan (R), Speaker of the House offered a warning to Republicans behind closed doors when earlier he had publicly told America he believed Conor Lamb (D) would ultimately be declared the winner.
Lamb supporters and many Republicans, including the POTUS, agreed with Ryan. Raj Shah, a White House Press Secretary, said Trump saw a win for Lamb as a win for him, stating how much they were alike.
Since the end of 2017, US media outlets have been broadcasting and foretelling of the blue wave that is descending upon the US. It is no mistake it is in response to the current State of the Union.
Democrats of all shades of blue are pushing back on the Republican Party and their collective complacency with Trump’s rhetoric, policies, and values.
A new day is on the horizon
In his early victory speech, the elect, spoke of the need for Democrats to regain their voice and illustrated the dawning of a new day with passionate precision. Conor explained that we should no longer allow, “Dark money, the distorting the truth and telling of lies to our children” to continue.
The excited and self-declared winner thanked his supporters and told them how proud he was of them for helping him to refuse the corporate taxes and the recent tax bill that was signed.
Lamb (D) explained that his campaign was run the way a Democracy should be, and that is, by the people.
He went on to praise and express gratitude for his constituents and their hard work in building a community where he calls home.
Republicans are scared
The Republican Party does not want to admit that it is in trouble. Conor Lamb (D) is not the first Democrat to flip a red district. The US has been seeing a pattern and outpour from Dem
It is becoming crystal clear that change has come and change is here.The Republican Party continues to attribute their party’s losses to having horrible candidates on the ticket-a rationalization under scrutiny by political analysts.
Others see it as the handwriting on the wall.
Republicans are now scrambling to review campaign strategies for the 2018 mid-term elections. It should be noted that the last two candidates Trump backed and campaigned for, lost their elections.
Whether or not Republicans overtly state their deep concern about the possibility of losing control of the House and Senate, the waves of integrity and preservation of democracy are crashing against Capitol Hill. There is no life jacket that Trump could muster that would save the Republican Party from being swept away.
America is fired up, and it is showing at the polls. #PAElection